Classical music isn't for everyone. However, who hasn't heard of Ludwig van Beethoven? He was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770 and is remembered as one of the world's most famous composers. He showed talent at a very young age, and his father began teaching Beethoven music at home. In his 20s, Beethoven moved to Austria. He was hoping to learn from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but he studied under Joseph Haydn instead. He lived, worked, and enjoyed great success as a pianist and composer in the capital city of Vienna until his death in 1827. Beethoven didn't have it easy in life because things took a turn for the worst.Tragedy struck when he was 30 years old. He slowly began to lose his hearing. Beethoven stopped talking with his friends and began to have written conversations in books. Beethoven ended up spending the last years of his life completely deaf. He stopped conducting and performing on the piano, but he continued to compose music from home. In fact, it was during this time that he created some of his most famous work. Fur Elise, Moonlight Sonata, and his Fifthand Ninth Symphonies are among his most popular pieces of music.