
Beethovenfest 貝多芬節

  Classical music isn't for everyone. However, who hasn't heard of Ludwig van Beethoven? He was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770 and is remembered as one of the world's most famous composers. He showed talent at a very young age, and his father began teaching Beethoven music at home. In his 20s, Beethoven moved to Austria. He was hoping to learn from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but he studied under Joseph Haydn instead. He lived, worked, and enjoyed great success as a pianist and composer in the capital city of Vienna until his death in 1827. 
  Beethoven didn't have it easy in life because things took a turn for the worst.Tragedy struck when he was 30 years old. He slowly began to lose his hearing. Beethoven stopped talking with his friends and began to have written conversations in books. Beethoven ended up spending the last years of his life completely deaf. He stopped conducting and performing on the piano, but he continued to compose music from home. In fact, it was during this time that he created some of his most famous work. Fur EliseMoonlight Sonata, and his Fifthand Ninth Symphonies are among his most popular pieces of music.


  並非所有人都喜歡古典樂。然而,誰沒聽過路德維希‧范‧貝多芬?他於 1770 年在德國波昂出生,在大家心中他是世上最知名的作曲家之一。他在很小的年紀就展現音樂的才華,而貝多芬的父親開始在家裡教貝多芬音樂。貝多芬二十幾歲時遷居奧地利。他原先希望能跟沃夫岡‧阿瑪迪斯‧莫札特學習音樂,後來反而受教於?瑟夫‧海頓。他在首都維也納生活、工作、樂於當個相當成功的鋼琴家及作曲家,直到 1827 年逝世。

  1. classical a. 傳統的;古典的
    Max often listens to classical music at home.
  2. instead adv. 作為代替
    If they are out of pork, buy beef instead.
  3. capital n. 首都,首府;資本,資金
    The government refused to inject any more capital into the industry.
  4. end up + 現在分詞  結果∕到頭來……
    Charles planned to go jogging, but he ended up watching TV at home all day.
  5. perform vi. 表演,演出
    The crowds cheered when they saw David perform on stage.
  6. compose vt. 作(曲、詩等)
    The famous musician composed the theme song for the Olympics.
  7. in fact  事實上,實際上
    Pigs are, in fact, intelligent animals.
  8. popular a. 受歡迎的
    The popular novel is based on historical events.
    * historical a. 歷史上的,有關歷史的
  1. composer n. 作曲家
  2. tragedy n. 悲劇
  3. deaf a. 耳聾的,失聰的
  4. conduct vi. 指揮(樂隊、軍隊等)
  5. sonata n. 奏鳴曲
  6. symphony n. 交響樂

take a turn for the worse  開始惡化
本文中的片語 took a turn for the worse 表示『開始惡化』之意,take a turn for the better 則表示『開始好轉』的意思。例:
Sarah's marriage has taken a turn for the worse.
The situation should take a turn for the better soon.

資料來源 長春藤電子報

    創作者 全通翻譯 的頭像


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