Scientists have long believed that humans have evolved from apelikeancestors that lived around six million years ago. There is DNA evidence to support this in that human beings share 98 percent of their genetic code with their closest ape relatives. In addition, people have similar anatomies, behaviors, andinstincts to those of the hairy creatures. Apes are very social animals. They are born with the need to be a part of social groups and will display certain kinds of behavior in order to be accepted. This is also true for people, and some will even lie and cheat to climb their way to the top of the social ladder. Those at the top usually have all the power, and in the ape world, they are called alpha males. It isn't so different with humans, for power struggles are played out in every corner of the world. Apes are also driven by their desire to find a mate, as are humans. Both exhibit complicated mating rituals in order to attract the opposite sex. To learn more about the ape within us all, tune in to Ape Man on National Geographic Channel.