Former President Lee Teng-hui says Taiwan should focus on fishing rights


為了抗議日本政府買下釣魚台,外交部緊急電召駐日代表沈斯淳回國。明天上午,海巡署還將帶記者到釣魚台海域拍攝護漁勤務,是馬政府展現護漁,以及維護釣魚台主權的大動作。不過一向認為釣魚台屬於日本的李登輝前總統今天表示,釣魚台沒有主權問題,只有漁業問題, 他認為馬政府現在要關心的不是談釣魚台, 而是拼經濟。


[[駐日代表 沈斯淳]] 


[[前總統 李登輝]]


[[前總統 李登輝]]


Taiwan continues to slam Japan over its nationalization of disputed islands in the East China Sea. Tomorrow its Coast Guard will take reporters to the Tiaoyutai Islands to demonstrate its determination to guard fishing and sovereignty rights. But at home a former president criticized the Ma administration’s efforts, urging it to instead focus on problems at home. 

After receiving notification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan’s top envoy to Japan, Shen Ssu-tsun, immediately returned to Taiwan. He said he already delivered a message to the Japanese government.

Shen Ssu-tsun
Taiwan Envoy to Japan
Yesterday in Tokyo I delivered a strong protest to the Japanese Interchange Association president, Tadashi Imai.

While the Ma administration has made its stern opposition to Japan’s purchase of the islands clear, many wondered how former President Lee Teng-hui would respond. He has previously said the Tiaoyutai Islands are Japan’s.

Lee Teng-hui 
Former President 
That's their issue. It involves the Japanese government and a Japanese citizen’s property rights. It has nothing to do with us. The Tiaoyutai Islands dispute between Taiwan and Japan is only a fishing issue. It isn’t a question of sovereignty.

Lee served as president for 12 years. He said he had little recollection of the historical documents the Ma administration refers to when making Taiwan’s sovereignty claim. These documents apparently are land registration deeds from 1971 showing the Tiaoyutai Islands as part of Yilan County.

Lee Teng-hui 
Former President 
In 1971 you could just say something and that was enough. When did you win the Tiaoyutai Islands from Japan in a war? Or how else did you earn the right to claim these islands. You’re just talking nonsense. Taiwan's economic problems are so bad, and all these internal problems are still unresolved. You beat the Tiaoyutai Islands drum, but you may be fooling yourself into thinking the average citizen cares.

Lee made his comments while visiting Nantou. He was looking at reconstruction progress, ahead of the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 21 earthquake.


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