Sitting in front of a computer or TV screen late into the night or leaving it on when you fall asleep could increase your chances of becoming depressed, according to a study by U.S. scientists.
The study, by a team of neuroscientists at Ohio State University Medical Center, will give screen-addicted night owls pause for thought.
The researchers -- who exposed hamsters to dim light at night and picked up changes in behaviour and the brain that bore striking similarities to symptoms in depressed people -- said a surge in exposure to artificial light at night in the last 50 years had coincided with rising rates of depression, particularly among women, who are twice as prone as men.
The hamsters involved in the experiment were exposed for four weeks to dim light at night -- equivalent to a television screen in a darkened room -- and the results compared to a control group exposed to a normal light-dark cycle.
The results showed they were less active and had a lower than usual interest in drinking sugar water -- both symptoms are comparable to signs of depression in people. (Reuters)
pick up:動詞片語,(偶然或輕鬆地)學到,發現;搭訕;恢復精神或健康;接、取(人或物)。例句:His father has picked up a lot after the surgery.(他父親在手術後已經好多了。)
striking:形容詞,驚人的、顯著的、不尋常的。例句:He has a striking good memory.(他的記憶力非常好。)
prone:形容詞,傾向於、易於。例句:She is prone to be moody.(她很容易情緒化。)