As women go through menopause, they may see a decline in their ability to carry out routine tasks such as climbing stairs and carrying heavy things, according to a U.S. study.
Exactly why is not clear, though extra weight and depression symptoms seemed to account for some of the link, said researchers whose findings were published in the journal Menopause.
"There is definitely a connection between menopause and the physical limitations women perceive themselves as having," said lead researcher Lisa Tseng, a medical student at the University of Pittsburgh.
Tseng said her findings suggest that the physiological changes of menopause play a role. A woman’s body composition tends to change with an increase in fat and decrease in muscle mass. With a decline in estrogen, bone mass dips as well.
Men also lose muscle mass and strength as they age, but studies have found that reductions in the strength of women strength seems to speed up around menopause.
account for:片語,解釋某事的原因。例句:He has to account to his manager for all his movements.(他對經理解釋他所有動作的原因。)
age:動詞,年紀增加。例句:She’s aged since the last time we met.(自從上次我看到她,她變老了。)
speed up:片語,加速。例句:This drug may have the effect of speeding up your heart rate.(這種藥可能會有加速你心跳的影響。)