常聽上班族抱怨老闆太過分,這也管那也管;也不時耳聞老闆說現在的年輕人不堪用,做事忘東忘西、挑三撿四。到底是老闆有問題,還是你有問題?哪些老闆做的事是"cross the line" (越線)?富比士雜誌(Forbes)這篇文章,檢測上司是否侵犯了下屬權益,一起看看精采片段,邊學英文,並懂得拒絕太超過的老闆。
If your boss’s comments or actions consistently make you feel uncomfortable, then there’s a good chance that he or she is stepping over the line of professionalism into inappropriate behavior! If your boss has done one or more of these things with regularity, then it’s time to speak up.(老闆的言行舉止有任何讓你一再困擾的嗎?那他極可能對你做出超過專業範圍的踰矩行為了!如果你的老闆經常有以下的行為,那麼是時候為自己挺身而出。)
上面這段話有一句”to step over the line of”,用來表示「超過界線」,除此之外,”cross the line”也是相同的意思。”Inappropriate” (adj.)是:不妥、不恰當、不適當、不相稱的。反義詞是”appropriate”。
1、Your boss makes references to your salary in front of other staff.(老闆在其他同事面前提起你的薪水。)
2. Your boss reprimands you in front of other employees.(老闆在其他員工面斥駡你。)
3. Your boss has unreasonable expectations.(你的老闆對你的期待太不合理。)
4. Your boss shares too many personal details.(老闆跟你分享了太多他的私事。)
5. Your boss makes inappropriate references.(老闆對你有失禮且不恰當的指涉。)
6. Your boss implies that sex, race, age or religion is a factor in work performance.(老闆暗示你的性別、種族甚至信仰會影響到你到工作表現。)