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The secret of happiness is something to do.


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In late 2017, the world was amazed when Sophia, a human-like robot, made the news again. Developed by Hong Kong's Hanson Robotics, she was designed to work with humans and adapt to their behavior. She was interviewed by the press and was even given Saudi Arabian citizenship. Sophia sparked wonder, but she also caused worries that in the future even more jobs will be lost to our robot competitors. After all, machines don't have to be fed or paid.


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Computer scientists began finding ways to program machines so that they could solve simple problems on their own. They could learn by analyzing data and taking steps to increase their chances of success. A program in the 1960s called Dendral could help chemists identify unknown molecules. Still, it was only an electronic assistant. In 1989, though, two AI programs, HiTech and Deep Thought, showed advanced problem-solving skills after they defeated human masters in the game of chess.

電腦科學家開始尋找為電腦編寫程式的方法,以便讓它們能自行解決簡單的問題。它們可以透過分析數據來學習,並採取措施來增加它們成功的機率。一個在六年代名為 Dendral 的系統程式能幫助化學家辨識未知的分子。雖然如此,它在當時僅僅是一個電子助手。然而在 1989 年,兩個人工智慧程式,HiTech Deep Thought,在一場西洋棋大賽中擊敗人類西洋棋大師時,顯現出了高度的問題解決能力。 

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It's no secret that modern cat owners are crazy about their furry friends. This is nothing compared to Ancient Egypt, though. In fact, just dreaming about a cat was a lucky sign back then. Cats were so valued that they were treated like gods and symbols of good fortune. At that time, cats were used to protect farms and stored food from mice and snakes. As a way to say thanks, Egyptians made cats an important part of their religion. They prayed to Bast, a cat goddess that represented motherhood and protection.


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Before the turn of the 20th century, Americans had to rely on horse-drawn carriages or steam trains to travel long distances. But with the invention of the automobile, they began setting out on long drives in the early 1900s. Route 66, a road that stretches from Chicago, Illinois, to Santa Monica, California, was one of the country's first highways. It came to represent America's love of the automobile and checking out the huge country. As the decades rolled on, Route 66 found its way into American culture.


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S: Stan  C: Coraline
Coraline and Stan are getting ready to leave work.

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A single human finger bone from at least 86,000 years ago points to Arabia as a key destination for Stone Age excursions out of Africa that allowed people to rapidly spread across Asia.


Excavations at Al Wusta, a site in Saudi Arabia’s Nefud desert, produced this diminutive discovery. It’s the oldest known Homo sapiens fossil outside of Africa and the narrow strip of the Middle East that joins Africa with Asia, based on dating of the bone itself, says a team led by archaeologists Huw Groucutt and Michael Petraglia.

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A: Ashley  V: Veronica

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The British Open is the world's oldest Major championship event in professional golf. It is also the only one played outside of the United States. This tournament rotates between nine courses in England and Scotland, with a different one every year. All of these courses are links, so they have very few trees and are played on the coasts. This can make for some very interesting weather conditions. The players who play in the morning sometimes have a different experience from those who tee off later in the afternoon due to changing winds.


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The Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, visited by as many as 14 million people a year, is falling apart. The gargoyles are losing their teeth, and their claws are coming off. The beautiful Gothic arches are in danger of falling, too. What can be done to save this aging monument? According to the Archbishop of Paris, money is the only answer. He's asking for 100 million euros to help bring the cathedral up to code. The 850-year-old building is showing its age.



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When Japan became a more peaceful, modern country in the 1800s, ninjas weren’t needed anymore. Although they had disappeared from the battlefield, ninjas stayed alive in people’s minds. Artists wrote about them in plays, comic books, and TV shows. The love of ninjas eventually spread to the US and other countries. Ninjas were used as the main characters in classic video games like Shinobi and Mortal Kombat. Their popularity continued to rise after the popular cartoon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, introduced ninjas to millions of children around the world.

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In war, ninjas were the perfect killing machines. These spies and assassins from ancient Japan were masters at surprising the enemy. Dressed in all black, they hid and waited in the shadows. When the time was right, they would attack and then disappear back into the night. In the end, their poor victims never knew what hit them.


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Ke: Kevin  D: Dan  Ka: Kate
Kevin walks downstairs to find Dan and Kate at the table eating breakfast.
D: Morning, Kevin. Come join us for breakfast.

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The lakes and rivers dry up, the grasses die, and most of the animals move on in search of food. This month, National Geographic follows one pride of lions that has managed to live in this harsh land on Desert Lions. The pride is led by two male lions that have ruled the area for almost 10 years. However, they are getting older, and the next dry season is just beginning. Will the kings of the Nxai Pan be able to survive another dry season, or will they finally give in to the heat? Tune in to Desert Lions on National Geographic to find out how their story ends.


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With the 2018 Winter Olympics already wrapped up, it is only two short years before the next Summer Olympics. These games draw on ancient Greek tradition, but their modern form can be traced back to the Games of the I Olympiad that were held this month in 1896.
Like the ancient Olympics, the first Summer Games was held in Greece. Organizers wanted to make the event the largest international sporting competition in the world. Planning began in 1894, but it was two full years before they got the funding to fix up the stadiums in Athens that were used for the Games. Athletes from 14 countries came to compete in nine different sports.

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Therapy dogs can be found in all sorts of places, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and even disaster areas. To put it simply, they are there to help people relax and feel better. As any dog lover knows, and research shows, the presence of a dog can have a comforting effect. At some universities, therapy dogs are brought in to help students feel less stressed out during exams. In hospitals, patients often feel better after petting the dogs and spending time with them. This can even help in the healing process.

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Hassan dips his gloves in paint and punches the canvas. His style of painting makes it look like he is training for a boxing match. Critics say that his works seem like a more explosive version of Jackson Pollock's splatter art. Hassan has said that he used to punch to destroy. Now, he punches to create beautiful art. Hassan has proven that by being creative and staying positive, you can overcome personal tragedy.


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New Zealander Ellis Emmett lives for adventure. He has conquered every mountain and river in his home country and now has his sights set on the bigger picture, but first he must get a boat. Then, he must learn to sail since he wants to travel in his sailboat around the Pacific Ocean. In My Pacific Quest, on National Geographic, Emmett struggles with the physical and mental challenges of sailing, but he soon learns some lessons from friends and goes off into the deep blue sea.


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In 2008, London’s Peter Bellerby made an unusual decision. He decided to become a globemaker. Bellerby came up with the idea while shopping for his father’s 80th birthday present. First, he needed to find a good map. However, finding one without mistakes that would fit onto a round object took him months. Next, he had to have the globe designed. To get the perfect sphere, he went to a company that designs Formula One cars. What he thought would only take a few months ended up being a two-year project that cost him nearly ₤200,000 to produce.

2008 年,英國倫敦的彼得貝勒比做了一個與眾不同的決定。他決定親手做地球儀。貝勒比是在挑選父親八十歲生日禮物時想出這個點子。首先,他得找到一張完美的地圖。然而,找尋一張沒有錯誤又可以貼合一個球狀物的地圖就花了他數個月。再來,他必須把球體設計出來。為了取得完美的地球儀球體,他找了一家設計一級方程式賽車的製造商。他原本以為只需幾個月的事情最後卻變成了為期兩年的計畫,還花了他二十萬英鎊來製作。 

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Last fall, the airport set up new signs at both the P1 and P2 parking lots at
Terminal 1. These new signs show the number of available spots at the entrance of each lot so that people will save time searching the whole parking lot for a space. As part of the new system, drivers can enter their license plate number when they drive into the parking lot instead of taking a ticket. That way, they don’t have to worry about losing the ticket or spend time looking for it before they can leave the parking lot. In addition, the new machines will accept larger banknotes or EasyCards, which will make paying a lot easier. Now, parking at the Taoyuan International Airport will save travelers time and reduce the stress of trying to find a place to park.

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