When Japan became a more peaceful, modern country in the 1800s, ninjas weren’t needed anymore. Although they had disappeared from the battlefield, ninjas stayed alive in people’s minds. Artists wrote about them in plays, comic books, and TV shows. The love of ninjas eventually spread to the US and other countries. Ninjas were used as the main characters in classic video games like Shinobi and Mortal Kombat. Their popularity continued to rise after the popular cartoon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, introduced ninjas to millions of children around the world.
日本在十九世紀轉變為一個較和平現代的國家時,忍者便不再被需要。他們雖然在戰場上銷聲匿跡,卻仍活在人們的心中。藝術家把他們寫進戲劇、漫畫書和電視節目裡。這份對於忍者的喜愛最終蔓延至美國和其他國家。一些經典電玩遊戲像是《忍 - SHINOBI -》和《真人快打》都以忍者當主角。在受歡迎的卡通《忍者龜》讓全球數百萬兒童初次接觸到忍者之後,他們的知名度便持續上升。