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Spring training exhibition games are beginning for Major League Baseball. While some Taiwanese players like Chen Wei-yin will use the time as a tune-up, others like Yang Yao-hsun and Wang Chien-ming will be fighting for a roster spot on their respective teams. 

The Baltimore Orioles Chen Wei-yin is expected to pitch the first inning of an intrasquad scrimmage on Friday, though his appearance in warm-up games for the rest of spring training is uncertain. 

More certain is that Yang Yao-hsun will get his first major league test on Friday. Yang is scheduled to pitch the first inning when his Pittsburgh Pirates take on the New York Yankees at the Yankees Florida spring training facility.

As for Wang Chien-ming, he’s currently at the Cincinnati Reds spring training facility preparing for the upcoming season with his teammates.

Wang Chien-ming
Reds Pitcher
Today, I continued to stay in the bullpen because there was no intrasquad scrimmage. I’m scheduled to pitch on March 1 and may have another bullpen session before then.

Wang is expected to get his first action on the mound against the Colorado Rockies. It will be his first competition of the year and he will enter the game with the Reds using him as a long reliever.



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“That book is older and more fragile, so we need to ask you to wear a pair of gloves and view it carefully like this.”

This is the public library in Puli Township, where visitors are asked to wear white gloves before viewing books.

Library staff produce a book from a sealed plastic bag and ask visitors to be careful. 

This Japanese language book, which lost its cover long ago, was published in 1936. It offers a traveler’s perspective of the Wushe Incident. The value of the book is estimated to be as high as NT$200,000.

“After learning about the value of these books, I felt they were quite special.”

Wang Ya-le
Visitors who come here respect our concern for protecting these books, so they don’t complain about these requests.

Limited funding prevents these books from being digitized, and they must be stored in plastic bags because the library cannot afford humidity proof cabinet. A great deal of care is taken so that this priceless collection isn’t compromised.



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Kaohsiung’s Keziliao Harbor to host rock music festival this Friday (2014/02/25)

Kaohsiung’s Keziliao Harbor has traditionally been known for its seafood. But this Friday the area will receive an extra boost when a special concert funded by local residents takes place for the second year in a row. 

Under the hot sun, staff are busy aboard this 40-ton abandoned boat which will serve as a backdrop for a rock and roll stage on Friday.

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Over the past five years Taiwan Railways has increased its production of souvenirs and collectables. These items are the work of two young women who hope to make the railways a part of everyday life. 

There is this toy train that encircles a map of Taiwan.

And a handheld vacuum cleaner that looks a lot like a train engine. These items are popular among workers and train enthusiasts.

Train Enthusiasts
There are many things that attract me. Actually, if my home was big enough, I would buy all of these items for my collection.

There are also children’s eating utensils and Puyuma Express train socks. The source of these creative, Taiwan Railways-inspired goods is a pair of young women named Shih Wen-tong and Lee Chih-ting.

Lee Chih-ting
Product Designer
When a child is eating something and uses this utensil, he or she will think about having taken the train and will keep thinking about Taiwan Railways. I think the railways should become a part of a child’s life from a young age.

The work of these two designers contributes about NT$10 million in annual revenues to the century-old railway system.



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Taiwanese chef Chen Lan-shu is celebrating having been named “Asia’s best female chef” at a competition in Singapore on Monday. Her restaurant was named one of the best in Asia. 

Chen Lan-shu was elated to be entered in the competition for Asia’s top female chef, becoming the first Taiwanese cited for this honor. And soon after returning to her seat, her restaurant “Le Mout” was honored as the 24th best of “Asia's 50 Best Restaurants.” It was the only Taiwanese restaurant to be ranked.

Chen Lan Shu 
Being included among this group, regardless of whether you are head chef, manager, or a food critic, is really quite difficult. For me, it happened quickly because our restaurant is in its fifth year. I am very honored to be able to share this award with my team.

Chen was a top student at National Taiwan University’s Department of Foreign Languages and had a childhood love of cooking. After graduation, she attended the Le Cordon Bleu before opening her own restaurant, which utilizes local ingredients and French cooking methods.



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The Japanese singer Masaharu Fukuyama will serve as an ambassador for Taiwan tourism in Japan. 

Fukuyama is highly popular in both countries. In June he will hold his first Taiwan concert. And in the future he will take part in promotional events aimed at encouraging his fellow countrymen to come visit Taiwan.



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At about the same time as Samsung unveiled its newest flagship smart phone in Barcelona, in Taiwan local telecom operator Far EasTone unveiled its own new line of handsets. Far EasTone hopes to win over customers looking for a lower-priced phone with many of the same functions and specs as global brands. 

A special feature of this phone is automatic photo shooting that makes it easy to take consecutive shots. The phone is made by local telecom operator Far EasTone.

This phone provides automatic translations of Korean and Japanese, making travel easier. FarEasTone has four of its own 3G models: the Smart 401, 402, 501 and 502. Specs are competitive with better known brands.

Maxwell Cheng
FarEasTone Vice President
Our own brand has accounted for about 10 percent of our business. We hope that these new models raise consumer confidence and allow us to achieve 20 percent of the market.

Taiwan Mobile launched the self-branded A7 phone at the end of last year. Like the Far EasTone Smart 502, it has a quad processor and 5.5-inch screen. FarEasTone’s camera has a greater number of pixels, while the two models are priced similarly.

“I’m interested in these because they’re cheaper now. The larger screens also make them more convenient.”

Chunghwa Telecom has no plans to release its own brand of smart phone.



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Marit Bjoergen became the most decorated woman Winter Olympian in history yesterday by leading a Norwegian sweep in the women’s 30km cross-country ski race at the Sochi Games.

Bjoergen won her sixth Olympic gold, to go with three silvers and a bronze. Her career total of 10 puts her ahead of Russian cross-country skier Lyubov Egorova, who had six golds and three silvers.

Two other women — Stafania Belmondo of Italy and Soviet skier Raisa Smetanina — also have 10 medals in cross-country, but fewer golds.

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Roger Federer began his campaign for a record sixth Dubai Championships title with a 6-1, 6-4, win over Benjamin Becker of Germany on Monday.

“I’m extremely happy with today’s match,” Federer said. “Coming out and playing free tennis like that right off the bat is a good feeling.”

The eighth-ranked Federer has never dropped a set to the 93rd-ranked Becker in four matches.

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An estimated 30 million people worldwide are living in modern-day slavery, according to the inaugural Global Slavery Index published Thursday.


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The Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) raised the minimum liquidity ratio for financial institutions to 10% from 7%.  The move will come into effect from 1 October 2011, and is designed to bring the statutory liquidity ratio in line with where most banks are currently operating (i.e. not in response to any rise in banking system risks).  The latest figures from the central bank indicated an overall liquidity ratio of 32.5% at the end of May.  The move is expected to strengthen risk management in the banking system over the longer term.

Taiwan’s central bank recently raised the discount rate 12.5 basis points to 1.875% at its June meeting this year, commenting that “Although the nation’s inflation remains more stable than in most other countries, we have decided to maintain the pace in rate hikes to help control the public’s prospective attitude toward consumer prices,”.  Taiwan reported annual consumer price inflation of 1.7% in May, up slightly from 1.3% in April this year, meanwhile the government is forecasting 2011 inflation of 2.1%.

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