Saving Your Skin
In the quest for younger, healthier-looking skin, many people spend loads of time and money. Without a doubt, having a good skin care routine is important in maintaining a youthful, healthy appearance. However, it's also essential to be aware of the bad habits that could be doing your skin more harm than good.
No Smoke without Fire
It's a well-known fact that smoking changes the skin in ways that can add years to your looks. Want to keep facial wrinkles in check? Giving up smoking is a step in the right direction.
You Are What You Eat
If you thought your diet didn't affect the appearance of your skin, think again. In fact, chowing down on snack foods such as pizza, burgers and soda can cause your skin to break out more frequently. Cut down on junk food, and reap the rewards of healthier-looking skin.
Sleeping Beauty
“Beauty sleep” is not just an old wives'tale. Sleep allows the skin to heal and restore itself. In addition, when your skin gets enough downtime, products work more effectively and provide better results.
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