
Valentine's Day: A Must for Lovers

THE origins of Valentine's Day are obscure. An ancient Roman celebration of love called Lupercalia, which fell between February 13-15, is one possible root. This festival involved naked young men spanking their female partnesrs with whips,which was said to increase fertility— hardly the image of romance we have now! Although it's unclear which of the several historical martyrs named Valentine was being venerated, St. Valentine's Day was declared a Christian feast around the late fifth century A.D. However, it wasn't until Chaucer's poem “Parlement of Foules” almost 900 years later that the day became associated with love. 

These days, Valentine's Day is celebrated across the world and has become a boon for florists, chocolatiers, and pretty much any business looking to make a pretty penny. A recent study showed that men in the U.S. fork out an average of US$168.74 on their partners, with women spending about half that amount. Meanwhile, 71 percent of men buy flowers, with half the women surveyed choosing chocolates. Even children, friends and pets are in on the loving, with consumers admitting to spending a few bucks on each group. 

While Valentine's Day has spread far and wide, many cultures have their own traditions that predate the Western day for lovers. In Asia, some of these have also changed with time. 



現在,世界各地都慶祝情人節,花商、巧克力製造商和所有想大撈一筆的行業更是從中獲益。近期研究指出美國男性平均掏出 168.74 美元來取悅另一半,而女性的花費則為該數目的一半。同時,71% 的男性會買花,半數的受訪女性則選擇購買巧克力。即便是兒童、朋友及寵物也受到愛意包圍,消費者承認會對這些族群花上一些錢。


資料來源:biz 互動英語電子報

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