
Only the tall and slender chosen to receive guests for National Day celebrations (2012/10/02)




為了這次的國慶大典,學校特地找來前日航副座艙長, 做出嚴格指導。

[[培訓師 羅尹宜]]


[[親善團金釵隊員 侯宣竹]]
“瘦身 節食這是一定要的,或是回家就要站(靠)牆,大概站個30分鐘,看你自己那天體力的負荷”

[[親善團金帥隊長 費早駒]]
“頭 肩膀 然後屁股 膝蓋,以及腳踝的部分,我們要全部連成一直線,然後保持微笑,這就是屬於我們男生比較標準的姿勢”


The ROC National Day ceremony is next week. Ming Chuan University has begun training 40 students to receive guests. Only students deemed to be of an acceptable weight and height were accepted. 

Forty students from Ming Chuan University have been selected to receive guests at the upcoming National Day celebration this year.

To instruct these students in the finer points of etiquette and training, a former deputy cabin crew chief for Japan Airlines was invited to train this group. 

Luo Yin-yi
Former JAL Cabin Crew
After coming here, I brought some of the training used by JAL’s cabin crew.

It may seem simple, but many of these actions are not easy. Attendants must stand at attention. In fact, all of these students had to go through four months of intense training.

Hou Hsuan-chu
Reception Team Member 
You must be thin and careful about what you eat. When you go home you have to stand straight against the wall for 30 minutes to test your own physical strength.

Fei Tsao-chu
Reception Team Captain
The head, shoulders, butt, knees and ankles must all be in a straight line together. Also, you have to maintain a smile. This is a standard posture for all of our men.

To be considered part of this group, women had to be between 165 and 175 centimeters and weigh about 50 kilograms. Men had to be over 180 centimeters in height.



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