「…然後,每到滿月,貓王就會回來處理他未完成的事。」雅園鬧軌的旅遊導覽(譯註:在本漫畫中,The King 指的是死在自家廁所中的美國老牌搖滾巨星貓王 Elvis Presley,而 Graceland 是他位於田納西州孟斐斯市的故居。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3623&next=1
「…然後,每到滿月,貓王就會回來處理他未完成的事。」雅園鬧軌的旅遊導覽(譯註:在本漫畫中,The King 指的是死在自家廁所中的美國老牌搖滾巨星貓王 Elvis Presley,而 Graceland 是他位於田納西州孟斐斯市的故居。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3623&next=1
威廉泰爾的兒子發現了他父親秘密箭靶的練習地。(譯註:本漫畫影射相傳曾用箭射中放在兒子頭上的蘋果的瑞士民俗英雄 William Tell 威廉泰爾。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3619&next=1
「甜心,妳的口臭好嚴重。」「我知道呀!是這個新的漱口水!你不喜歡嗎?」熱垃圾香味 |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3615&next=1
「什麼?!你加入了和平組織?」「我們的鄰居會怎麼說呢?」僧帽水母一家人的失望(譯註:man-o'-war 是Portuguese man o' war「僧帽水母」與 man of war 「鬥士」一語雙關。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3611&next=1
「馬可仕,我實在不懂為什麼你對飛行這麼不安。我是說,就統計上來說,你們在空中的時候還比在地面上安全咧…馬可仕?」(譯註:You're safer in the air than you are on the ground 「你在空中比在地面上安全」是人們解釋空中飛行比在地面上開車安全的理由之一。不過當漫畫中的鴨子告訴同伴這件事的時候,同伴卻不見了,因為牠已經被吸入飛機的引擎內,造成可能使飛機墜機的鳥擊意外。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3607&next=1
A family who watched a dolphin leaping in front of their kayaks were stunned after it caught a huge fish and dropped it in front of them for their dinner.
The group had spent several minutes enjoying the mischievous mammal which started swimming around their canoes off the Devon coast. But to their astonishment the friendly animal then dived down and dropped a massive cod next to Lucy Watkins, 14.
A young teenager dashed across a runway at a Nigerian airport, hid in the wheel well of a jet and survived a 35-minute domestic flight, the airline and aviation authorities said Sunday.
Passengers and crew had alerted the pilots that a boy was seen running to the plane as it was taxiing to take off Saturday from southern Benin City, Arik Airline spokesman Ola Adebanji said.
A respected US-based internet security expert says he has foiled an attempt to frame him as a heroin dealer.
Brian Krebs says the administrator of a Russian cybercrime forum hatched a plan to order heroin, arranged for it to be delivered to his home, then tipped off the police, making it look as if the call had come from a neighbour’s house.
Even the sea gulls are throwing the struggling San Francisco Giants baseball team for a loss this year.
Giants officials trying to find humane solution to the worsening onslaught of the birds at home games are stumped, the San Jose Mercury News reported.
Researchers have now found why we often feel such a strong urge to glance at our handset: checking your mobile is contagious.
The researchers observed how it has become the modern equivalent of glancing at your watch -- the furtive look at a phone screen to check for new messages or have a quick look at Facebook, Daily Mail reported.