The One-Two Punch 令人熱血沸騰的拳擊運動

  Being active is an important part of life, and it keeps people healthier and happier. These days, there are numerous sports to choose from. Some you have probably heard of, but others you haven't. One sport that doesn't get as much attention as it used to is boxing. It is a tough sport and not for everyone because it involves fighting. It is a battle unlike anything else in sports.
  Boxing has been around for ages, but the sport took a big turn in the late 1800s. It went from bare-knuckle fights to gloved events. That was also when James L. Sullivan became a household name and a boxing hero. He was the first US sports millionaire and won almost every match in his entire career. Moving ahead in time, Joe Louis is a boxing legend still commonly talked about today. In a time of segregation, Louis was loved by both black and white fans. He helped fight against the color barrier and won the heavyweight title in 1937. He holds the record for successfully defending the title 25 times.



  1. numerous a. 很多的
    The detective found numerous clues about the murder at the scene.
  2. hear of...  聽說過∕知道……(多用完成式)
    Ricky has never heard of that pop singer.
  3. take a...turn  產生……的轉變
    My career took a new turn after I quit my old job.
  4. household name n. 家喻戶曉的人事物
    Companies like Google and Yahoo are now household names.
    像Google 和Yahoo都是家喻戶曉的公司。
  5. entire a. 全部的,整個的
    Yesterday was the worst day of my entire life.
  6. legend n. 傳奇(人物);傳說
    The tennis legend retired and started his own school.
  7. fight against...  對抗……
    England and France fought against Russia in the Crimean War.
    在克里米亞戰爭中, 英、法兩國與俄國作戰。
  8. defend vt. 保護,保衛
    The soldiers defended the city from attack.
  1. boxing n. 拳擊
  2. bare-knuckle a. 赤手空拳的
  3. gloved a. 戴手套的
  4. millionaire n. 富豪,百萬富翁
  5. match n.(拳擊)比賽
  6. segregation n. 種族隔離
  7. barrier n. 障礙,阻礙

資料來源 長春藤電子報

    創作者 全通翻譯 的頭像


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