A Miracle Billboard 神奇的廣告看板

  Advertising has come a long way. From commercials to sandwich boards, advertisements are everywhere. However, they are definitely not all the same. A billboard in Lima, Peru has been the talk of the town. What sets this billboard apart from all others is that it creates water. This ad was made for the University ofEngineering and Technology of Peru, and its goal was to show how engineering can be used to solve problems.
  The billboard is able to make water because of Lima's high humidity. It takes water out of the air and turns it into drinking water. Basically, the billboard is a giant dehumidifier. Around 100 liters of water are produced daily and given to the public free of charge. Lima sits next to the driest desert in the world, so it is difficult to find water, even when the air is wet. The inventor of the billboard knows it has the potential to help people around the world. Safe and clean water is something we often take for granted. For those without this natural resource, a water-producing billboard is a miracle invention. 



  1. have come a long way  變化∕進步很大
    Technology has come a long way since the 1980s.
  2. definitely adv. 肯定地,絕對地
    Rob said he would definitely quit smoking this year.
  3. set A apart from B  使 A 有別於 B
    The service at that restaurant really sets it apart from others.
  4. be able to + 原形動詞  能夠(做)……
    If we hurry, we should be able to make it in time for the movie.
  5. turn A into B  把 A 轉變成 B
    The freezer turns water into ice.
  6. free of charge  免費
    Guests of this hotel can use the gym and pool free of charge.
  7. take...for granted  將……視為理所當然
    People often take their families for granted.
  8. miracle n. 奇蹟
    It was a miracle that Steve survived the horrible accident.
  1. advertising n. 廣告(不可數) 
    advertisement n. 廣告(可數,常縮簡為 ad)
    place an advertisement 刊登廣告
  2. commercial n. 電視廣播等影音廣告(可數)
  3. engineering n. 工程學
  4. humidity n. 溼氣,溼度
  5. dehumidifier n. 除濕機
  6. inventor n. 發明者劇

資料來源 長春藤電子報

    創作者 全通翻譯 的頭像


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