Ghost Town Gold 鬼鎮挖寶賺大錢



  A long time ago in the American Wild West, economies were on the rise. New towns would pop up around mills, factories, and mines that dug for resources like gold, silver, and coal. Whole communities appeared around them almost overnight. However, when the resources ran out, the economies died. That often resulted in entire populations deserting the areas and ghost towns being left in their place. 
  A few ghost towns have become tourist attractions. Many were not so lucky and are now completely empty. Some are still struggling to stay alive, and there are lots of interesting artifacts to be found there. History fans Bret Eaton and Scott Glaves are out to do just that. They visit old ghost towns, abandoned mining camps, and industrial graveyards in search of treasure. They hope to find items of historical value that can be resold to interested collectors. Their adventures lead them to pre-19th century antiquespioneer wagons, a pile of gold rush mininggear in a 150-year-old mineshaft, and much more. Don't miss National Geographic Channel's Ghost Town Gold to see what else Eaton and Glaves dig up.



  1. be on the rise (數量、價格等)上升中
    The police say that the crime rate is on the rise.
  2. pop up  冒出來,突然出現
    A man popped up out of nowhere and attacked me.
  3. overnight adv. 一夕之間,突然
    The rich man lost all of his money overnight.
  4. run out (of...)  用完∕耗盡(……)
    The writer has run out of new ideas.
  5. desert vt. 捨棄,遺棄
    The tribe deserted their homeland.
  6. be out to + 原形動詞  決心做某事
    The company is out to capture the Asian market.
  7. abandoned a. 廢棄的;被遺棄的
    Lisa found an abandoned puppy in her yard.
  8. in search of...  尋找……
    Lance went through the entire house in search of his keys.
  1. economy n. 經濟;經濟情況
  2. tourist attraction n. 觀光勝地
  3. artifact n. 手工藝品
  4. industrial graveyard n. 廢棄的工廠
  5. antique n. 古董 & a. 古董的
  6. pioneer n. 拓荒者,先驅
  7. gear n.(特殊用途的)設備;裝置(集合名詞,均不可數)
  8. mineshaft n. 礦井

資料來源 長春藤電子報


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