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  『糟糕…』大比目魚家庭的猶豫(譯註:Halibut 大比目魚的左右兩眼都長在身體的右側,可是牠的隱形眼鏡都是戴右眼的,因此這件事令他不知如何是好。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3663&next=1



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  熱蛋糕 特價中! 阿尼吻可樂:全世界最差的銷售員(譯註:本漫畫影射 to sell like hotcakes 「(某東西)十分搶手或暢銷」這個片語,但本漫畫將這個片語直譯解釋,但從這位銷售老兄身上結蜘蛛網,而且旁邊堆著四箱的「熱蛋糕」來看,他的生意並不好。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3659&next=1



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  「甄妮絲!我偷聽到亨利說他最小的孩子剛剛葛屁了…但是好奇怪,他好像很開心!」(譯註:to croak 是青蛙「呱呱叫」與「死去」一語雙關。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3655&next=1



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  「別這樣,史黛西。」「梅爾,我情不自禁!這些令人難以抗拒的酒窩讓我好想親。」起初濃情蜜意,但就像許多的情侶一樣,他們的愛情最後也失和了。(譯註:juicy 本指

「多汁的」,但在此則形容關係密切且讓人喜愛;sour 則是


資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3651&next=1

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被遺忘的工具 擲矛器 鑿子 錐鑽 M.C. 哈墨(譯註:M.C. 哈墨是美國傳奇嘻哈歌手,而 hammer 也有「榔頭」的意思,所以也是一種「工具」。此外,tool 也是一個貶謫詞,有「愚蠢的人」之意。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3647&next=1


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Grab a YouBike and Go! 牽著微笑單車出發去!

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Fairy Doors 妖精之門

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Ape Man 系出同『猿』

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Meet Charles Dickens 遇見查爾斯‧狄更斯

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Garden Paradise 花園天堂

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Hempcrete 永續建材—麻凝土

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Ultimate Airport Dubai 杜拜航站日誌

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Happy 125th National Geographic 歡慶國家地理125歲生日

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In Search of Mom 尋母記 

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Taiwan's Elite Warriors: ARP Frogmen 台灣菁英戰士:陸戰蛙人

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A video of surgery conducted on a teenager with a power drill by doctors who claimed their state-run hospital could not afford the medical equivalent has caused an outcry in the former Soviet republic of Moldova.


Nikolai Kurka, the surgeon who performed the surgery later posted on the Internet and broadcast on Moldovan television, said he was one of 16 doctors who used home improvement tools in the absence of adequate equipment.

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A Long Island school district has released a summer reading list riddled with spelling errors.


F. Scott Fitzgerald’s "The Great Gatsby" is misspelled as "The Great Gypsy." And author Emily Bronte is listed as Emily Bonte.

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South Korea has switched on a road which can recharge electric vehicles as they drive over it. The project’s developer says the 12km (7.5 miles) route is the first of its kind in the world.


It means vehicles fitted with compatible equipment do not need to stop to recharge and can also be fitted with smaller than normal batteries. Two public buses are already using the technology and there are plans to add 10 more by 2015.

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Crop-damaging insects, bacteria, fungus and viruses are moving poleward by nearly three kilometres each year, helped by global warming, a study has said.


A team at Britain’s University of Exeter trawled through two huge databases to chart the latitude and dates for the earliest record of 612 crop pests.

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