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Six Surefire Tips for Improving Your Social Skills

In so many ways, social skills — or lack thereof — impact on our professional and private lives. The good news is that even if your social skills leave something to be desired, there are surefire ways to improve them and raise your EQ in the process.

Learn to Listen

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Top Brands Say It and Show It

There's more to building a successful brand than just providing a desirable product. The most popular brands have always managed to combine catchy, memorable names with instantly recognizable logos.

Sports brands always come up with winning formulas and none more so than Nike, the world's leading sports apparel supplier. The company's punchy name was taken from the Greek goddess of victory. Amazingly, design student Carolyn Davidson was paid a paltry US$35 for creating the iconic swoosh symbol, though she was later compensated in stock options. Logo expert Andy Payne says: “It's one of the only logos without words accompanying it. Over time it has gained equity and confidence to set itself free from the word Nike, and that is a very brave step for a brand to take.”

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Q = Quentin, C= Cathy, J = John
Q: Doing this campaign in-house is always an option, but it will be more cost-efficient for us to farm out this work.
C: What kind of cost savings are we looking at?
Q: Significant1 savings, not to mention a quicker turnaround.
J: I'm still not convinced. Who do you have in mind for this project?
Q: The obvious approach would be Lansing. They're one of the biggest players in the field, and they have the knowledge and experience to handle this kind of case.


昆汀: 由內部辦理這項活動一直都是個選擇,但將這份工作外包對我們來說會比較划算。
凱西: 眼前我們能省下什麼樣的成本?
昆汀: 相當多的成本,甭提更快的週轉時間了。
約翰: 這還不能讓我信服。對於這案子你心裡有什麼人選?
昆汀: 最明確的門路就是藍心廣告。他們是業界的龍頭,而且他們擁有處理這類案子的知識與經驗。

資料來源:biz 互動英語電子報

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Tips for Boosting Employees' Morale

A happy workforce is a productive one, but how can managers and bosses best promote employee contentment? Let's look at some tried and trusted approaches.

Celebrate Good Times

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The Art of Negotiating

Whether it’s haggling over price or thrashing out the details of a contract, getting the best deal is no piece of cake. Here are some time-honored tactics to employ in negotiations:

Failing to Prepare Is Preparing to Fail

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Marketing, the Wowprime Way

With 12 brands under its umbrella, including Wang Steak and Tasty, Wowprime is Taiwan’s biggest restaurant group. Where multi-brand owners have struggled in a tough economy, Wowprime has sustained growth. Apart from an abortive stab at the U.S. market, the company has seldom put a foot wrong. Indeed, so successful has its juggling act been that its marketing techniques have been documented in a book: “Wowprime — Success with Multiple Brands.” What are these secrets of Wowprime’s success?

Database Marketing 

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Are You Drinking Water the Right Way?

Drinking water is good for your health, with the average human body needing 2000 ml of water a day. However, consuming too much water too quickly can dilute blood sodium to a dangerously low level, leading to electrolyte imbalance, commonly known as water intoxication. Monitor your intake with the following tips:

Moderately but Frequently

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Will London Strike Olympic Gold?

This summer, London becomes the first city to host the Olympics three times. As the city gets ready for the Games, we take a look at some of the preparations and the benefits the event might bring.

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Hone Your Powers of Persuasion

Whether it’s in the workplace or our personal lives, we frequently need to cooperate to achieve our goals. However, getting the support and help of others is not always straightforward and there is a knack to influencing people for mutual benefit. Find out some of the secrets with our guide:

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A Question of Focus: Fujifilm Thrives, Kodak Fades

Early this year, Eastman Kodak filed for bankruptcy. It was a stunning tumble from the top of the pile for the 132-year-old firm. As late as the 1990s, Kodak was still rated among the most valuable brands in the world. Then things went digital. By last year, revenues had dropped US$10 billion from a high of US$16 billion in 1996. In contrast, its fierce rival Fujifilm has adapted and thrived. Why this glaring difference in fortunes? 

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Stay Safe in the Summer Sun

Weather conditions contribute in no small way to the quality of our skin, and summer brings some of the biggest menaces. Here are some common ailments and ways to tackle them in the midst of the heat.

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Turn Small Savings into Your Nest Egg

Average salaries allow you to make ends meet with a little left over, but how can you achieve financial freedom at such a snail’s pace? Don’t worry, even legendary investor Warren Buffet started from scratch. All you need is self-discipline and a good game plan.

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Good Cho’s — Simply Good

Located in Xinyi Public Assembly Hall, Good Cho’s is a charming establishment with a unique style. Manager Ernie Wang says “Gathering good things in one place is what Good Cho’s is about.”

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Quotations about Time 
編輯精選 時間智慧名人語錄

Steve Jobs 

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Rise of the Apps


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Managing Your Way through a Crisis

Crises come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from the slightly chaotic to potentially catastrophic. No matter the degree of their intensity, however, these critical periods are all unwanted, troublesome and difficult to handle. Everyone needs help and advice during such turmoil. Here are some tips to be aware of in the event of a crisis.

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Can Pepsi Regain Its Fizz?

When Indra Nooyi took the reins at PepsiCo five years ago, she shifted focus onto promoting healthier products. The company has showed overall growth under Nooyi’s leadership, but — with the U.S. carbonated drinks industry as a whole struggling — Pepsi’s flagship cola has suffered a particularly tough time. 

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Get Your Feet in Shape

Our feet take a lot of wear and tear just from walking around, and we shouldn’t take them for granted. Here are some common foot problems you shouldn’t tiptoe around along with some solutions.

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The Employee Makeover Guide

By being an outstanding employee, you not only assist your company but also further your own interests significantly. Unsurprisingly, when supervisors consider who should be promoted, they take a critical look at their staff to determine the best person for the job. Here are some tips to help you become recognized as a superior worker.

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London: A Creative Capital

London has long been considered one of the world’s creative capitals. Students from across the globe compete to get into the top art and design schools like Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion and Goldsmiths. This year, a variety of showcase events have put London’s creative prowess in the spotlight once more — and we’re not even counting the Olympics!

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