目前分類:譯義非凡 (2379)
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:38
When East Meets West: Office Working Hours東西工時文化大不同
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:37
Adidas and Reebok: The Perfect Double-Team?愛迪達與銳跑聯手:完美的 1 + 1?
Adidas and Reebok: The Perfect Double-Team?
What do you do when you're the world's second biggest brand but you just can't dislodge the market leader from the top spot? How about acquiring the third-placed player and double-teaming? That's precisely what Adidas did when, in 2005, it purchased the U.S.-based Reebok brand for US$3.8 billion in an attempt to challenge the supremacy of Nike.
>From the beginning there were mixed views of the merger. Reebok's shares rose 30 percent on the back of the move. Adidas execs naturally trumpeted it as the best thing since sliced bread, with CEO Herbert Hainer hailing it as “a once in a lifetime opportunity.” Some analysts, though, were puzzled by the acquisition, believing it would weaken both brands. Initially it looked like the naysayers had been proven right as Adidas continued to perform solidly, but Reebok's revenue declined for three straight years.
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:36
Wang Pei-hua — Ace Producer全台「犀利」瘋 王珮華的收視冠軍路
Wang Pei-hua — Ace Producer
It may have opened with low ratings, but TTV's television series “The Fierce Wife” has now become so popular that it has helped coin a phrase. Dealing with the fallout from a husband's infidelity, the show introduced the term “little third party” into Taiwan's modern lexicon.
Developing the show's plot from a friend's anecdote, ace television producer Wang Pei-hua successfully turned a cliched theme into a hot topic. Wang is now on the verge of selling the rights to the show and its original screenplay to 16 countries.
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:36
辦公室設備問題一籮筐Office Malfunctions
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:34
Grin and Bear It: Six Benefits of Annoying People接受討厭鬼給你的 6 項禮物
Grin and Bear It: Six Benefits of Annoying People
At work and in our personal lives, we all have people who rub us the wrong way. Rather than becoming annoyed, however, there may be something to learn from such people. With a positive attitude, you can use the antics of irritating associates to your benefit.
‧People Skills
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:33
看懂原汁原味原文書摘:The Runaway Trolley
看懂原汁原味原文書摘:The Runaway Trolley
Suppose you are the driver of a trolley car hurtling down the track at 60 miles an hour. Up ahead you see five workers standing on the track, tools in hand. You try to stop, but you can't. The brakes don't work. You feel desperate, because you know that if you crash into these five workers, they will all die. (Let's assume you know that for sure.)
Suddenly, you notice a side track, off to the right. There is a worker on that track, too, but only one. You realize that you can turn the trolley car onto the side track, killing the one worker, but sparing the five.
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:31
Groupon: A Force to Be Reckoned With全球團購大戰 ╳ Groupon 大軍壓境
Groupon: A Force to Be Reckoned With
With group buying a pervasive phenomenon in Taiwan, leading companies in the sector have been cashing in. Founded in 2008, the market leader Groupon saw revenues surge to US$760 million in 2010, up from US$33 million in 2009. By January 2011, Groupon's value had reached US$4.75 billion. Named as the fastest growing company ever by Forbes Magazine, Groupon has over 70 million subscribers worldwide. All this has happened in the company's first two years of existence.
The secret lies in Groupon's service model. Featuring discounts of at least 50 percent every day, Groupon provides a platform for users to purchase vouchers for a variety of services and products. Subscribers receive an e-mail offering different daily deals, which kick in after the amount of people signing up reaches the required number for the deal. If this minimum target is not met, the deal is canceled. Coupled with the Web site's user-friendly interface, these unbeatable discounts make group buying a no-brainer.
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:29
Dried Fruit — A Cut Above幸福水果乾──人生的酸甜真滋味
Dried Fruit — A Cut Above
Shu Rei-ji has spent years preserving fruit, and is proud of her unique, natural approach to the craft. Unlike many manufacturers of preserved foods, Shu insures no artificial flavoring or colors are used to enhance the look and taste of her fruit. It may not be as pleasing to the eye as shiny, candied fruit, and it has only a three-month shelf life, but the flavor and texture are a class apart.
After a failed business venture more than a decade ago, Shu and her husband returned from the big city to their hometown of Nanshi in Tainan. There, she noticed farmers with surplus fruit. Naturally thrifty, Shu decided to take advantage of this windfall. Learning the preservation process as she went along, she spent a year perfecting a new product. To promote their business, Shu and her husband set up stalls at night markets far and wide. Initially, sales of the fruit were low. They, therefore, decided to draw a following by offering other treats such as sugar scallions, a kind of sugary stick that gets its name from its resemblance to the shape of the vegetable.
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:28
股神巴菲特vs.饒舌天王傑斯 世紀精彩對談
股神巴菲特vs.饒舌天王傑斯 世紀精彩對談 ──兩大傳奇人物原汁原味的成功之道 你聽懂多少? |
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- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:25
Against the Elements商展英語會場通
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:23
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for coming out. Appreciate you guys very, very much. Never thought this day would come, and Father Time has finally caught up with Shaquille O'Neal and I just wanna say — (he is handed a cell phone) who's this? Yes. For real? You want me to come up and apply for the New York Knick general manager job? Ok sure, I'll be up right after the press conference. OK. Sure. Thank you. That was the president of the Knicks. He want[s] me to fly out right after the press conference and try out for the general manager job. After 19 years, I'm announcing my retirement from professional basketball. It is now time for me to begin my new life.
I'm going to miss a lot about the game. I'm going to miss the competition, the camaraderie, the friendship, the fans, joking with the media, and I'm really going to miss the free throws. Basketball has opened many doors in my life. I've represented the country in the Olympics, I secured my Master's degree, and I'm now working on my Ph.D in human resource development in [at] Barry University of Miami. I've acted in award-winning movies such as “Kazam,” I've created business opportunities, I've created lifelong friendships, and — most important — I was able to help those in need.
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:22
Paul Mitchell's Key to Success全美最大獨立美髮沙龍品牌 Paul Mitchell 獨到崛起術
Paul Mitchell's Key to Success
Thirty years ago, a celebrated hairstylist and a struggling salesman had a vision of a company catering specifically to hair salons. They started their business with a loan of US$700. Today, the company, John Paul Mitchell Systems, Inc., is perhaps the most recognized name in the beauty industry, boasting 100 trademarks, and products in over 100,000 U.S. salons and 80 countries. Churning out US$900 million in revenues every year, John Paul Mitchell Systems has also set up more than 100 beauty schools around the world.
The success did not come easily, though. The founders, Paul Mitchell and John Paul DeJoria, encountered a setback at the onset when a friend unexpectedly pulled out US$500,000 of funding. The economic recession in the U.S. at that time put a double whammy on their plan. To get through these financial difficulties, cost reduction was the top priority. The partners went for simple black-and-white product packaging, which turned out to be the company's iconic look.
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:21
E = Ellen DeGeneres 艾倫‧狄珍妮 |
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:19
When “No” Is the Only Answer說「不」的藝術
When “No” Is the Only Answer
Most of us want to be amenable at work, but we're often put in positions where we want to say “no.” Indeed, sometimes it's the only real option. When refusing a request, diplomacy is important, especially when dealing with managers. Here are some tips on how to give your boss a polite brush-off.
● Spell Out Your Priorities
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:18
Wei Te-sheng: Behind the Miracles魏德聖:奇蹟的背後
Wei Te-sheng: Behind the Miracles |
Q: | Since you first conceived the film, it has taken 14 years for it to be made. How do you feel now it is finally being released? |
A: | I feel as though I went through military service again. I look at the scenes on the screen and go, “Wow, did we make that?” I think the audience in Taiwan will be particularly attached to this film, because they know how it was made under unfavorable circumstances. Looking back, a lot of misfortunes that we encountered in the process were in fact blessings in disguise. During the making of this film, we had to rush to the bank virtually every day before closing time to avoid bouncing checks. It was like that for 10 months, but we somehow pulled through. |
Q: | Some people were moved to tears just watching the trailer, and some have even compared your film to “Avatar.” What do you think? |
A: | It makes me very happy to hear it being compared to “Avatar.” Some of the production crew went and saw “Avatar” when we began filming, and told me that they felt that our direction was similar to the one taken in that film. When I saw it a little later, I thought it was a really great film, especially in that it emphasized that America was no longer an upholder of justice. I think “Avatar” and “Seediq Bale” have the same theme, because the endings of both films are about the emergence of a better world. |
Q: | Faced with all those difficulties, how did you conjure up the confidence that you would be able to prevail? |
A: | When I decided to make this film, I certainly trusted that I could finish what I started. Trusting solely in yourself, however, can get you into a lot of trouble. Making a movie is not something that you can accomplish on your own. It takes teamwork. I'm grateful that there were no personnel problems with the cast and production crew. Over half of the risks of making a film come from securing funding, but I didn't receive a dime of funding before the shooting wrapped. How did I manage to get through that? Looking back now, it still seems incredible. |
問: | 從你開始構思這部電影到完成共花了十四年。現在終於上映了,你有什麼感覺? |
答: | 我覺得像是又當了一次兵。我望著銀幕裡的畫面驚嘆:「哇,這是我們搞出來的嗎?」我覺得台灣觀眾對這部片會格外有感情,因為他們知道這部片是在不利的情況下完成的。回頭看來,過程中我們所遭遇的很多不幸運實際上成了好事。影片拍攝期間,我們幾乎每天都要跑銀行趕關門時間好避免跳票。這十個月都是這樣,但不知怎的我們就度過難關了。 |
問: | 有人光看預告片就感動到哭,甚至有人把你的片和《阿凡達》相提並論。你有什麼看法? |
答: | 我很開心這部片被和《阿凡達》相提並論。當初我們開拍時就有一些工作人員去看《阿凡達》,然後跟我說他們覺得《阿凡達》和我們的方向很接近。後來我也去看了,我覺得拍得真好。特別是強調美國不再是象徵正義之師的這個角度。我覺得《阿凡達》和《賽德克‧巴萊》的主旨是一樣的,因為結局都是一個更美好世界的來到。 |
問: | 面對這麼多困難,是如何相信自己能克服的? |
答: | 當我決定製作這部電影時,我當然相信我能有始有終。不過只相信自己是會惹出很多麻煩的,拍電影不是一個人能獨力完成的事,需要眾人齊心合力。很感謝演員與工作人員都沒發生人事上的問題。拍片一半以上的風險是來自籌措資金,不過我到殺青前都還拿不到任何一毛錢的投資,我到底是怎麼度過難關的?現在回頭想想,還是覺得不可思議。 |
資料來源:biz 互動英語電子報
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:17
Calorie Control減重飲食英語會話通
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:16
Nokia: Playing Catch-up諾基亞嚴重危機下奮起或從此告別
Nokia: Playing Catch-up
The new CEO assembled the company's workers and informed them that their whole outlook was wrong. He put them on the spot, asking which of them used their competitors' products. Tentatively, several hands went up. The CEO was dismayed. However, his disappointment was not due to his employees' lack of faith in their own products. On the contrary, he had hoped more of them would be sizing up the competition.
The company in question is Nokia. The CEO is Stephen Elop, a Canadian who in September 2010 became the first non-Finn to helm the communications corporation. “I'd rather people have the intellectual curiosity to understand what we're up against,” Elop said of employees' reluctance to try iPhones or Google Androids. He has good reason for this attitude.
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:15
Howard Schultz Brews Change at Starbucks勇往直前──霍華‧舒茲再造星巴克咖啡帝國
Howard Schultz Brews Change at Starbucks
When Howard Schultz established Starbucks in the 1980s, he reinvented the coffee experience, offering gourmet coffees and a special relationship with customers. Two decades later, in dire need, the company called him back to reinvent that experience again.
In 2007, Starbucks was struggling, a victim of both the bad economy and its own rapid growth. Expansion over the previous three years had doubled the number of locations to more than 16,000. In the process, many people felt the company had commodified its business, watering down its special coffee experience. What's more, chains including McDonald's were entering the gourmet coffee market, offering new competition.
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:14
The Power of Positive Thinking正向思考 拒絕負能量
The Power of Positive Thinking
We all feel a little low now and then, but it's important to bounce back from these slumps. Figuring out how to change your outlook is not always easy. Let's take a look at some ways to dispel negative energy and start thinking positively.
Identify the Problem Areas
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 20:13
Business Trip Emergencies出差緊急狀況速效英語