A dog named “Pui” in Ayutthaya Province has saved the life of a newborn baby after she was abandoned in a garbage heap on the roadside, reports the National News Bureau of Thailand.


The newborn girl, wrapped in a white plastic bag, was on a pile of garbage on the side of a road when a 2-year-old Thai Bangkaew dog Pui found her.

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Nepal’s Supreme Court has ordered the government to alter passports so that transgenders no longer have to describe themselves as male or female, a court spokesman said on Tuesday, a move welcomed by rights activists.


The court made the decision on Monday following a petition from a transgender who wanted a third category introduced on passports for people who identify themselves neither as male or female, the spokesman said.

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MOVE OVER Omar Borkan Al Gala – the man deemed too sexy for Saudi Arabia - there’s a rival in town, who has laid claim to the title of best-looking man on the planet.


Meet Ahmed Angel, the male model whose online photo album has been viewed more than a million times. His album titles include ’the most beautiful face ever’ and ’very HOT!’

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The science world has paid homage to Johnny Depp by giving his name to an extinct creepy-crawly with "scissor hand-like" claws reminiscent of one of the Hollywood actor’s best-known roles.


Kooteninchela deppi, a 505-million-year-old distant ancestor of lobsters and scorpions, has been named for Depp’s famous portrayal of a gentle freak named Edward Scissorhands in the 1990 eponymous film, according to a study in the Journal of Palaeontology.

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  「9-1-1 緊急專線嗎?是的,我正在廿號公路旁的某處休息站,有人揚言要偷韭蔥!」喀!「喂?喂??」麥克的行動洋蔥超市 女廁 男廁(譯註:9-1-1 是美國一支緊急狀況通報專線電話,麥克打這支電話是因為有人想偷他的 leek 韭蔥,結果卻被掛斷電話,因為對方以為麥克是說有人在 to take a leak 小便,而這場誤會之所以發生,是因為 leek 和 leak 的讀音近似。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3281&next=1

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  「我感受到需求了,對速度的需求!」冰人 好萊塢 雪人 瑪莉珍 突然間,捍衛戰士的指揮官發現他們飛行員可能有毒品濫用問題的微妙徵兆。(譯註:本漫畫影射一九八六年好萊塢經典電影《捍衛戰士》,戰機飛行員會將自己的綽號漆在戰機的機身上。但是 speed、ice、snow 和 Mary Jane 分別是毒品安非他命、甲基安非他命、古柯鹼和大麻的黑話。而 speed 本來指「速度」之意。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3277&next=1

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  「給我!」「你有發現那是十九點嗎?」「我說了,給我!」詹姆斯布朗:靈魂樂教父,演藝圈最努力的男人,或許也是有史以來最爛的廿一點玩家。(譯註:本漫畫正在玩廿一點的是有「演藝圈最努力的男人」稱號的已故美國黑人歌手 James Brown,他在演唱時常常會加入 hit me 這個口頭禪,可是這個詞也是「再發一張牌給我」之意,而一般玩家有十九點後是不會叫莊家再發一張牌。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3273&next=1

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  「唔嗯嗯…抱歉,我的煤炭在上面這裡了!」(譯註:女性在男性眼睛亂瞄時會說 my eyes are up here,但是 eyes 在這裡被改成了 coals,因為人們再堆雪人時,常常會把煤炭當成雪人的眼睛。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3269&next=1

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