食品安全驚爆危機!國內稻米三大品牌之一的「金墩米」,自行送驗 檢出農藥「撲滅松」、「賽達松」殘留超標,昨天全面緊急下架,但估計已經有超過750萬公斤的問題白米,已經被民眾吃下肚,主管機關衛生署跟農委會卻都不知情,醫師痛批政府單位把關出漏洞,實在太荒謬。
位於彰化的「金墩米」廠商,早上電話接不完,全都是下游打來要求退貨,因為被檢查出有農藥殘留超標! 金墩米1939成立,米種用的是台中長秈10號,細長Q彈,目前市佔率10%。
[[金墩米協理 蕭藝和]]
One of Taiwan’s leading rice brands was recalled yesterday due to excessive levels of pesticides. King Town Rice detected the problem after more than 7.5 million kilograms of the rice had already been consumed.
King Town Rice vendors in Changhua were flooded by calls this morning as downstream companies inquired how to return their tainted stock. King Town Rice was established in 1939 and uses the Taichung Sen 10 variety of rice, which is known for being slender and chewy. It has a 10 percent share of the domestic market and competes with other well known brands.
The company is recalling all of its rice, with hypermarkets posting its recall announcement. However, conservative estimates show that 7.5 million kilograms of tainted rice have been eaten by consumers.
Hsiao Yi-he
King Town Rice
The first rice crop this year was unusual. It suffered from both wind and rain, so farmers rushed to harvest it and they didn’t consider the normal safety concerns when it came to applying pesticide.
The company said it would pursue upstream sources. Doctors say that white rice tainted with residual pesticides could potentially cause liver damage and impact fetuses. Even extra washing may not be enough.