
Longshan Temple draws big crowd eager to sponsor lamps for good health or fortune







[[龍山寺組長 張雪玲]]



Early this morning, Longshan Temple began processing people eager to sponsor temple lamps. Many began waiting as long as a month ago, as they believe sponsoring these lamps can bring them good fortune or health.

At six o’clock, Taipei’s Longshan Temple began accepting people to sponsor temple lamps. The first person to apply for a lamp was Mr. Yang who works in the financial industry.

Last night we came. About a month ago, I asked my family to come here first and begin waiting. 

Today was the first day of lighting lamps and Longshan Temple was packed with visitors. Many wanted to light medicine lamps to pray for health, while others chose lamps for wealth. These lamps were in such demand that some came more than a month ago to begin waiting in line. 

In addition to a huge line of people waiting patiently, reporters have witnessed hawkers selling their place in line. With more than 1000 people in line, tempers began to flare though there was little the temple could do to alleviate the situation. 

Chang Hsue-lin 
Longshan Temple Director
For those that began waiting a month ago, we issued 1,000 numbers, and if these we all issued by today, I told people come back the next day. This is the only way I could control the situation. 

Each day up to 1,000 people are allowed to choose lights in the temple, and based upon past practice, the first day of the lighting an additional 300 people are permitted, as processing this many people in one day may take an entire day with many waiting long into the night.



文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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