Taiwanese-American doctor leads successful double-arm transplant
A Taiwanese-American doctor at Johns Hopkins Hospital has successfully led what is being called the most difficult double arm transplant in history. Andrew Lee led a team of 16 surgeons who carried out the rare procedure on a US soldier who lost all four of his limbs in Iraq.
For a news conference at Johns Hopkins Hospital, double arm transplant recipient Brendan Marrocco showed how he can control a wheelchair. He has begun the long path to recovery.
[[移植雙手美國大兵 馬洛可]]
Brendan Marrocco / Double Arm Transplant Recipient
It feels amazing. It is something that I was waiting for for a long time, and now that it happened, I don't know what to say, because it is such a big thing for my life.
The 26-year-old infantryman lost all four limbs when he was struck by a roadside explosion in Iraq in 2009. Last month 16 doctors operated on Marrocco for 13 hours. They were led by W.P. Andrew Lee, a Taiwanese-born doctor who is director of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Johns Hopkins.
[[台裔整型外科醫師 李為平]]
W.P. Andrew Lee / Johns Hopkins Hospital
The surgical team had rehearsed the procedure on cadaver arms four times in the last 18 months. The actual transplant was executed according to our design. Although Brandan has done well from the surgery, the recovery process is not without risks or hard work.
In 2009 Lee carried out America’s first double-arm transplantation. The procedure on Marrocco was the seventh in the US and perhaps the most complicated.
文章出處 民視英語新聞
- Jan 30 Wed 2013 23:19
台醫植雙手 / Taiwanese-American doctor leads successful double-arm transplant