An aspirin a day may slow brain decline in elderly women at high risk of cardiovascular disease, research finds.
Around 500 at risk women, between the ages of 70 to 92, were tracked for five years - their mental capacity was tested at the start and end of the study. Those taking aspirin for the entire period saw their test scores fall much less than those who had not.
Dr Silke Kern, one of paper’s authors, said: "Unlike other countries - Sweden is unique, it is not routine to treat women at high risk of heart disease and stroke with aspirin. This meant we had a good group for comparison."
But the report found that while aspirin may slow changes in cognitive ability in women at high risk of a heart attack or stroke, it made no difference to the rate at which the women developed dementia.
decline:名詞,退化,減少。例句:Home cooking seems to be on the decline.(在家開伙的人似乎越來越少。)
routine:名詞,例行公事。例句:He checks under the car for bombs as a matter of routine.(他照例檢查車底有沒有炸彈。)
make difference to:片語,有…差別。例句:You can ask him again if you like, but it won’t make any difference - he’ll still say no.(如果你願意,還是可以再問他一次,但不會有任何差別,他還是會說不。)