
Galaxy S3 Mini joins latest generation of smartphones (2013/01/03)


智慧型手機競爭激烈,繼蘋果iphone 5、宏達電蝴蝶機等旗艦款新機,連番上市後,韓國手機大廠三星,也乘勝追擊,推出新款S3 mini,以平價訴求,希望能打動年輕人。

手心輕輕一滑,鍵盤就直接投影到桌上,手指輕按就能直接打字,三星這支Galaxy S4,雖然還沒上市,網路上已經開始流傳這段影片,五吋大螢幕搭配1300萬畫素,預計五月上市,未來手機不只比輕、比薄,功能更要比炫,三星對S4保密到家,倒是S3 Mini搶先曝光!

拿來和最近很夯的愛瘋五和蝴蝶機實際比一比,三星S3 mini,和愛瘋5一樣,螢幕只有四吋,不過重量120克,比iphone5 的112克稍重一些,至於12月上旬宏達電推出的旗艦款蝴蝶機,以5吋螢幕,四核心超快處理器,台灣的hTC也推出新機來迎戰智慧型手機的市場。

The Taiwan launch of Samsung’s Galaxy S3 Mini was today. It squares off against HTC’s new Butterfly smartphone and the iPhone 5, though some consumers are already looking ahead to future releases.

A slight stroke of the finger projects a keyboard onto the table. Tapping allows the user to type. Samsung’s Galaxy S4 has yet to be unveiled, but this video is making the rounds on the internet. Reports claim the S4 will have a 5-inch screen with 13 million pixels. It is expected to be lighter, thinner and more advanced than previous models, and could arrive by May. Before then, Samsung users can instead try the newly released Galaxy S3 Mini.

The S3 Mini will compete with the iPhone 5 and HTC’s Butterfly. Both the S3 Mini and iPhone have 4-inch screens, but at 120 grams the S3 Mini is slightly heavier. HTC’s Butterfly arrived in December. It has a 5-inch screen and an ultra-fast Quad-Core processor. The Taiwanese smartphone maker hopes the Butterfly lets it make up lost ground in the battle against Samsung and Apple.


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