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「妳有說過妳喜歡強壯又很甜的咖啡,不是嗎?」「妳有最可愛的手。妳是戒指的模特兒嗎?」(譯註:在本漫畫中,strong 是「濃郁的」和「強壯的」一語雙關,而 sweet 則有「甜味的」以及「說話甜的」等兩種意思。) |
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「妳有說過妳喜歡強壯又很甜的咖啡,不是嗎?」「妳有最可愛的手。妳是戒指的模特兒嗎?」(譯註:在本漫畫中,strong 是「濃郁的」和「強壯的」一語雙關,而 sweet 則有「甜味的」以及「說話甜的」等兩種意思。) |
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「你知道這是誰幹的嗎?」「我有過預感。」「我看得出來,警員。但你認為有哪些人涉嫌重大?」鐘樓怪人開始質疑自己轉行的事(譯註:hunch 是「肉瘤」和「預感」一語雙關。) |
Chocolate might not be the healthiest thing for your waistline - but research suggests it may protect against stroke. A study following more than 37,000 Swedish men showed those eating the most chocolate were the least likely to have a stroke.
Everyone taking part in the study was asked about their eating habits and their health was monitored for a decade. They were split into four groups based on the amount of chocolate, with the bottom group eating, on average, no chocolate each week and the top group having 63g (2.2oz) - slightly more than an average bar.
Just as music and lighting can influence what shoppers buy, toning down the tunes and dimming the lights in a fast food restaurant can help diners enjoy their meal more and eat less, according to a U.S. study.
After transforming part of a fast food restaurant in Illinois with milder music and lighting, researchers found that customers ate 18 percent fewer calories than other people in the unmodified part of the restaurant.
Eating organic food will not make you healthier, according to researchers at Stanford University, although it could cut your exposure to pesticides.
They looked at more than 200 studies of the content and associated health gains of organic and non-organic foods. Overall, there was no discernible difference between the nutritional content, although the organic food was 30% less likely to contain pesticides.
For those who like their coffee with a strong nose Thailand could be the ideal destination, after a blend made from elephant dung was put on sale by an upmarket hotel chain.
The Black Ivory blend, made from coffee beans digested and excreted by Thai elephants, is billed as producing a particularly smooth cup.
New Blackberry phones make a bad first impression on investors
Survey suggests vast majority of Taiwanese office workers willing to work in China
Vitamin D could help the body fight infections of deadly tuberculosis, according to doctors in London. A study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed patients recovered more quickly when given both the vitamin and antibiotics.
The idea of using vitamin D to treat tuberculosis (TB) harks back to some of the earliest treatments for the lung infection. Before antibiotics were discovered, TB patients were prescribed "forced sunbathing", known as heliotherapy, which increased vitamin D production.
Doctors have warned of a "lack of knowledge" about the dangers of mixing some medications with grapefruit. The fruit can cause overdoses of some drugs by stopping the medicines being broken down in the intestines and the liver.
The researchers who first identified the link said the number of drugs that became dangerous with grapefruit was increasing rapidly.
An assassin slit the throat of Egypt’s last great pharaoh at the climax of a bitter succession battle, scientists said Monday in a report on a 3,000-year-old royal murder.
Forensic technology suggests Ramses III, a king revered as a god, met his death at the hand of a killer, or killers, sent by his wife and ambitious son, they said.
Kids who have food allergies or are overweight may be especially likely to get bullied by their peers, two new studies suggest.
Bullying has become a concern among parents, doctors and school administrators since research and news stories emerged linking bullying with depression and even suicide.
An aspirin a day may slow brain decline in elderly women at high risk of cardiovascular disease, research finds.
Around 500 at risk women, between the ages of 70 to 92, were tracked for five years - their mental capacity was tested at the start and end of the study. Those taking aspirin for the entire period saw their test scores fall much less than those who had not.
Owning a smartphone may not be as smart as you think.
They may let you surf the internet, listen to music and snap photos wherever you are…but they also turn you into a workaholic, it seems.
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「您的履歷表上寫說您的身材是中號,但老實說,您看起來像特大號。」「我兩者皆是呀。」「您確實是。」巨星模特兒經紀公司(譯註:medium 同時有「靈媒」與「(身材尺寸)中號」的意思。) |
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「不對,不對,不對!要畫一個可愛的三角形,可愛的三角形!像這樣!」阿姆斯壯先生被迫退休前的最後一堂幾何學(譯註:acute triangle 本指「銳角三角形」,而若把
a cute 連在一起寫或唸的話,其寫法和讀音正好都跟 acute「銳角的」相同。) |
Taiwanese-American doctor leads successful double-arm transplant
Su Tseng-chang reveals pension reform plan to ensure KMT follows through
President delivers pension reform plan
Pension Reform