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A pair of hot pink sneakers worn by Texan senator Wendy Davis during her near 11-hour speech to talk down abortion legislation have become the bestselling shoe on Amazon.com and an unlikely feminist symbol.


Davis wore a pair of Mizuno Wave Rider 16 trainers during her marathon filibuster to stymie Republican abortion legislation.

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A new international study has found listening to sad music was the best way to recover from a relationship break-up as it had the same soothing effect as a sympathetic friend.


Researchers concluded that when consumers experienced serious emotional distress they turned to a surrogate to replace a lost personal bond and lift their mood.

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The Kelly family had a relaxing Sunday morning breakfast, but apparently they didn’t clean up as well as they initially thought. According to NBC-2, a bit of bacon grease was still on the campground grill, and that was enough to draw the attention of a bear.


Two staff members of the camp came to warn the Kelly family that a bear was close by, and that’s when 11-year-old Baden Kelly sprung into action.

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Lack of sleep has a potentially harmful effect on gene expression, according to a study out Tuesday that sheds light on the link between sleep deficits and a wide range of health conditions.


Lack of adequate shut-eye had already been linked to conditions from heart disease and cognitive impairment to obesity. But sleep researcher Derk-Jan Dijk and his fellow researchers have delved into the molecular mechanisms behind the phenomenon, looking at how missed sleep leads to health problems.

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In a rare interview, the British mother of U.S. soldier Bradley Manning has urged her son not to give up hope, even as he faces up to 136 years in prison for disclosing hundreds of thousands of secret U.S. documents.


In comments published by the Mail on Sunday, Susan Manning said he should know she considered him her "Superman." "Never give up hope, son," she was quoted as saying. "I know I may never see you again, but I know you will be free one day. I pray it is soon.’’

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One in four Australians believe humans co-existed with dinosaurs while one in three think it takes just one day for the Earth to orbit the sun, according to a "worrying" survey published Wednesday.


The Auspoll survey of 1,515 adults for the Australian Academy of Sciences showed basic scientific knowledge was declining on key questions, including human influences on evolution and the Earth’s reserves of fresh water.

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  精奇 精奇 精奇 奇 雖然他們沒有表親那麼知名,但精奇三超人在各地除髒污、保護家電以及流理台方面很受尊敬。(譯註:本漫畫顛覆曾被改編成電影的美國 Marvel 漫畫中的超級英雄組驚奇四超人,不過精奇三超人並不像表親那樣會打擊犯罪,而是打擊髒污。而 crime 犯罪的讀音和 grime 髒污相近。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3521&next=1

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  「好啦…又要開著燈睡一晚了…說真的,艾德,你到底是怎麼會覺得聲控檯燈是個好點子?」(譯註:The Clapper 指的是用拍手控制開關的「聲控燈」,但由於蛇沒有手,因此牠們無法把床邊兩側的檯燈關掉。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3517&next=1

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  「噢,真是太好了,我絕對找不到畢業舞會的舞伴了。」蛙斯拉肆虐,狼吞虎嚥地吞下飛機、干擾交通,還在全市的摩天大樓上散播瘤(譯註:本漫畫影射知名科幻怪物 Godzilla 酷斯拉,以及人們以為蛙類會把瘤傳播給人類的誤解。)

 資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3513&next=1

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《創造亞當》這幅畫。而 Chappell 這個姓氏與這幅畫所在的 Sistine Chapel 西斯廷禮拜堂中的 chapel 相同。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3509&next=1

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  較不知名的星座第二集 獵戶座的帽子 沾醬大手 赤裸的北斗七星 里歐 胸罩(譯註:上述星座依序影射:Orion's Belt 獵戶腰帶、Big Dipper 大熊星座、Leo 獅子座以及 Libra 天秤座。而 skinny dipper 則本指「裸泳的人」。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3505&next=1

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  「這景觀很讚,不過要在這裡生活是不可能的。」蝨子家族造訪了瑞士人的頭皮(譯註:本漫畫顛覆了瑞士阿爾卑斯山脈 Swiss Alps,並配合主角蝨子家族把 Alps 改成了 scalps 頭皮,而牠們所看到的雪其實是戴眼鏡老兄頭上的頭皮屑。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3501&next=1

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  「我在書店,要幫你買什麼嗎?」『我不知道…買本跟工具有關的書?』「他們有一整個架子都是!」《美國》 羅素克洛 《人物雜誌》梅爾吉勃遜 《GQ》肯伊威斯特

《Maxim》傑瑞米皮文 克里斯布朗 約翰梅爾(譯註:tool 本指「工具」之意,不過本漫畫卻用這個字來影射這些雜誌上的名人是「混蛋」。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3497&next=1

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  『四百大卡?!』牧園沙拉醬 四百大卡 神說:「要有光。」低卡牧園 熱量三分之一 然後祂發現那很好…但不是很棒。(譯註:本漫畫的典故《舊約聖經》《創世紀》中有關上帝讓世界綻放光明的記載,不過 light 光明在此被顛覆為讀音相同的 lite 低卡路里的,而兩者在意思為後者的情況下是通用的。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3493&next=1

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  「露意絲,我發誓,那兩個孩子都酸掉了!」「史坦利,是你堅持不把他們放在冰箱裡的。」(譯註:spoiled brat 本指「因父母的過度放縱而產生問題行為的兒童」,但動詞 to spoil 也有「食物腐壞、腐敗」的意思。而 brat 這個字也是德國香腸 bratwurst 的簡稱。)

資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3489&next=1

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資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3485&next=1

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人講話都有自己慣性。想想我們的中文。有些人講話多「然後」;有些不斷說「…..的話」;還有人不管你問他什麼,他都先說:no no no!我們講英文時,慣性尤其明顯。只要能突破慣性,英文的進步空間就大。

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你常常說so-so嗎? 當心,這個口語太容易讓你成為「言語無味」的人! 


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Don’t push the button不要按這個按鈕。
It’s written in the stars. 

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