Nothing like a good hairdo to fight deeply entrenched racism in one of the world’s emerging economic giants.


The tools of battle, such as scissors and conditioners, are being wielded on the outskirts of Rio in a chain of beauty parlors that cater to black and mulata women of limited means.

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Women may get a glow during pregnancy, but now it turns out that men feel they are more attractive as well - only after the baby has arrived.


In the first study of its kind, men said that their self image improved after the birth in what is being called a ‘hidden benefit’ of becoming a dad.

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The horse is an American icon. It races gracefully, performs heavy farm tasks, can do tricks and, if television is to be believed, may even talk. But only one is an accomplished painter.


Metro Meteor, a 10-year-old thoroughbred bay in rural Maryland, is enjoying singular success. Within just months of applying his first brush stroke to paper, he is juggling requests for public appearances, weighing endorsement offers and earning thousands of dollars for his work.

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Retirement has a detrimental impact on mental and physical health, a new study has found. The study, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), a think tank, found that retirement results in a "drastic decline in health" in the medium and long term.


The IEA said the study suggests people should work for longer for health as well as economic reasons.

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A dog named “Pui” in Ayutthaya Province has saved the life of a newborn baby after she was abandoned in a garbage heap on the roadside, reports the National News Bureau of Thailand.


The newborn girl, wrapped in a white plastic bag, was on a pile of garbage on the side of a road when a 2-year-old Thai Bangkaew dog Pui found her.

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Nepal’s Supreme Court has ordered the government to alter passports so that transgenders no longer have to describe themselves as male or female, a court spokesman said on Tuesday, a move welcomed by rights activists.


The court made the decision on Monday following a petition from a transgender who wanted a third category introduced on passports for people who identify themselves neither as male or female, the spokesman said.

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MOVE OVER Omar Borkan Al Gala – the man deemed too sexy for Saudi Arabia - there’s a rival in town, who has laid claim to the title of best-looking man on the planet.


Meet Ahmed Angel, the male model whose online photo album has been viewed more than a million times. His album titles include ’the most beautiful face ever’ and ’very HOT!’

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The science world has paid homage to Johnny Depp by giving his name to an extinct creepy-crawly with "scissor hand-like" claws reminiscent of one of the Hollywood actor’s best-known roles.


Kooteninchela deppi, a 505-million-year-old distant ancestor of lobsters and scorpions, has been named for Depp’s famous portrayal of a gentle freak named Edward Scissorhands in the 1990 eponymous film, according to a study in the Journal of Palaeontology.

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