Police say three armed thieves stormed into a Long Island home to steal a water jug full of loose change. Suffolk County police said the masked suspects descended on the East Patchogue home around 2 a.m. Saturday.
Outside they came across the 51-year-old owner, who had gone out to buy milk for breakfast. Police said the burglars roughed him up before breaking in.
Detective Sgt. Daniel Molloy said the bandits then went straight for an upstairs bedroom where the coins were kept in a big water bottle. He says they broke down the door, grabbed the heavy jug and fled.
Six people were in the home at the time.
Molloy said the family wasn’t sure how much money was in the jar but had been saving the coins for some time.
target:動詞,使成為目標。名詞,目標;標靶。相關俚語,(right)on target,正確無誤。
change:名詞,零錢。動詞,改變。相關片語,A leopard can’t/doesn’t change its spots,江山易改,本性難移。例句:Do you have any spare change? I’d like to toss it into the fountain and make a wish.(你有沒有多餘的零錢?我想丟錢到噴水池裡許個願。)
rough up:片語,肢體攻擊;粗暴對待。rough,形容詞,粗暴的;粗糙的。相關片語,give someone a rough time,讓某人不好過。例句:My boss is such a jerk; he enjoys giving us a rough time.(我老闆真討厭,他很愛讓我們不好過。)
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