A California couple recently had an unexpected reunion with an old housemate: their pet cat who went missing more than 13 years ago.
The cat, named George, was last seen by Melinda Merman and Frank Walburg in 1995. He recently resurfaced when the manager of a mobile home park trapped the sickly feline and gave him to an animal hospital.
A microchip implanted in George allowed him to be traced back to his owners.
Merman says after George went missing she visited animal shelters and wrote to veterinarians in search of the gray, yellow-eyed cat, who now weighs less than half his original 14 pounds (6.4 kilograms).
But Merman and Walburg say George is eating well and displaying some of his old behavior, like jumping at flickering light on the wall.
reunion:名詞,再會合,再聯合;重聚,重逢。動詞,reunite,使再聯合;重聚。例句:"How was your high school reunion?" "Oh, I skipped it."(「你的高中同學會怎樣?」「噢,我沒去啊。」)
resurface:動詞,重新露面;重新浮出。surface,名詞,表面;動詞,在…加表面,使出現。相關片語,scratch the surface,刮表面,意指只知道事情的一小部分。
trap:名詞,陷阱;捕獸器;陰謀詭計。動詞,設陷阱;使落入圈套。例句:One of my favorite plays is The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie.(我最喜歡的舞台劇之一是艾嘉莎.克莉斯蒂寫的「捕鼠器」。)
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