台灣設計展 2012台灣設計展,29日將在高雄駁二特區登場。這場集結12國、新銳設計精品的展覽,今年是以「熱情心設計」為主題。一千件參展產品,無論地方美食、滑鼠或是茶壺,在設計師巧思下,都極富創意!帶您先睹為快! 擠壓,立刻變成扁身。往上拉,又恢復一體成型,這既環保、又方便攜帶的"矽緻摺疊壺",不但真能放在火爐上煮水,還能耐熱、250度。 [[設計廠商 梁譽潔]] “它是沒有任何空間上使用限制的,一個產品,我們也希望就是說,在我們不使用這個器皿的時候,它是很好收納的” 設計商品還包括了,外型酷炫的專業滑鼠,提高個人手感的舒適度。各種螢光色的腕錶,印有世界24個時區,隨時可以掌握全球各大都會時間,還有動物造型存錢桶,每一層空間,都可以拆解。 [[設計廠商 張漢寧]] ‘存滿了,然後再買一個新的肉片(存錢空間) ,就可以再加上,讓這個熊貓,越養越大隻’ 除了台灣新銳設計創作之外,還有德、法、日等國家參展。七大展館、一千多件作品,今年,都將以「熱情心設計」為主題。展期9月29日至10月14日。 The 2012 Taiwan Design Expo will open at Kaohsiung’s Pier 2 Art Center next Saturday. The event will include exhibitors from a dozen countries with the theme of “passion design.” With a quick press this pot immediately becomes flat. It is made from silicon and can be put on the stove to boil water, resisting heat of up to 250 degrees. Later it can be folded up, making it easy to store or carry. Liang Yu-jie Designer There’s no space issue with this product. When it’s not in use it can be easily stored. Some of the other design products at the expo include a specially styled computer mouse. It has a slick appearance and a very comfortable feel. There is this watch available in a variety of fluorescent colors, offering time in 24 time zones around the world. And these piggy banks are shaped like animals. Extra layers can be added to save more money. Chang Han-ning Designer After it’s full you can buy another layer to save more money, allowing this panda to get bigger and bigger. In addition to these cutting-edge Taiwanese designs, there will also be products from Germany, France and Japan and other countries. Seven different exhibition halls will be used to feature more than a thousand different products based on the theme “passion design.” The expo runs from Sept. 29 to Oct. 14. 資料來源:民視英語新聞 |