Chen goes to Taipei Veterans General Hospital (2012/09/21)
[[台北監獄副典獄長 蘇清俊]]
“我們也問了陳水扁先生,徵詢陳水扁先生的兒子,陳致中先生,說長庚醫院 臺大醫院,跟榮總醫院三間醫院,他們都能接受”
[[陳水扁兒子 陳致中]]
[[陳水扁女兒 陳幸妤]]
[[台北監獄副典獄長 蘇清俊]]
至於這回轉診要留院多久? 院方說, 就等檢查報告出爐,再做評估。
Former President Chen Shui-bian has been transferred to Taipei Veterans General Hospital to undergo a variety of tests. But the Chen family worries that he could be ill-treated at the military hospital, which is perceived to be sympathetic to the pan blues.
After 10 days, former President Chen Shui-bian left Taoyuan General Hospital in a wheelchair. Prison guards supervised his transfer to Taipei Veterans General Hospital for further exams.
Su Ching-chun
Taipei Prison Deputy Warden
We asked Chen Shui-bian and his son, Chen Chih-chung, about the three hospitals. They said National Taiwan University Hospital, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Veterans General Hospital were acceptable.
Chen Chih-chung
Chen Shui-bian's Son
At first my father told Taipei Prison that he could not accept two of the hospitals.
Taipei Prison emphasized that hospitals have the final say in any such transfer and must exhibit a willingness to accept the case. Hospitals such as Mackay Memorial Hospital, National Taiwan University Hospital and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital had declined this medical transfer. Reports say Taipei Veterans General Hospital reluctantly agreed after being told to accept Chen.
Chen Hsing-yu
Chen Shui-bian's daughter
When my father heard that he was being sent to Taipei Veterans General his blood pressure immediately shot up as he has a fear of this hospital. According to him, this is tantamount to mental abuse.
Su Ching-chun
Taipei Prison Deputy Warden
All the physicians in this hospital are in-house. It is a military hospital. We hope the family can rest assured
As for how long Chen will remain, the hospital says it depends on a number of tests which need to be completed before an assessment can be made.