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「各位有去過撒哈拉沙漠嗎?沙漠本身不算糟──是遭透了,哈哈哈!」「呿,尖酸的笑話!」「爛透了!」(譯註:本漫畫的主角是多家廠牌的除臭劑,而為了配合主角,pits 在此是「形容糟透了」和「胳肢窩」一語雙關,dry 是「正經但好笑的」與「乾燥的」一語雙關,而 affreux 則是法語「形容某事物很爛或很差勁」之意。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3425&next=1
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「各位有去過撒哈拉沙漠嗎?沙漠本身不算糟──是遭透了,哈哈哈!」「呿,尖酸的笑話!」「爛透了!」(譯註:本漫畫的主角是多家廠牌的除臭劑,而為了配合主角,pits 在此是「形容糟透了」和「胳肢窩」一語雙關,dry 是「正經但好笑的」與「乾燥的」一語雙關,而 affreux 則是法語「形容某事物很爛或很差勁」之意。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3425&next=1
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「可惡,最後一張 A 飛走了。再提醒我為什麼我們又在這裡了?」高空牛排賭局(譯註:本漫畫為了配合正在打撲克牌的主角牛,把 high-stakes 「高風險的」改成了 high-steaks 「高牛排的」,因為 stake 和 steak 的讀音相同。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3421&next=1
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「這個座位…唔嗯嗯…」咳 咳 咳 對抗流感 抵擋肺結核 與痲瘋共存 |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3417&next=1
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「我抓到你的鼻子了,佛地魔寶寶!」(譯註:本漫畫影射《哈利波特》系列電影裡沒有鼻子的主要反派角色佛地魔。而巫婆在這裡玩的是歐美一種大人捉弄小孩子的老把戲。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3413&next=1
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「媽,我不在乎每晚都吃剩菜…但一定要吃別人的剩菜嗎?」(譯註:本漫畫影射某些鳥類會在鱷魚嘴裡食腐的行為。) |
資料來源 http://chinapost.com.tw/guidepost/comics/default.asp?id=3409&next=1
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「妳踩在我的加速器上嗎?因為妳實在讓我引擎加速。」 「妳介意我這麼做嗎?」 「真好看的排氣管。」 |
Ajax has a nose for trouble.
The retired Spanish police dog has received a prestigious award by a British animal charity group in recognition of his bravery and skill.
Japan’s biggest yakuza organised crime group has published a magazine for its members that includes a poetry page and senior gangsters’ fishing diaries, reports said Wednesday.
The eight-page publication has been distributed among the Yamaguchi-gumi, a sprawling syndicate believed to have about 27,700 members, in a bid to strengthen unity in the group, the daily Sankei Shimbun reported.
Early settlers resorted to cannibalism at Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America, researchers said after unveiling forensic analysis on the bones of a 14-year-old girl.
Facing a period of starvation in the winter of 1609-1610 when about 80 percent of the colonists died, some apparently tried to dig into the brain of a child who had already died, said anthropologists at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
Brazil launched a program Monday to lure thousands of foreign doctors to fill vacancies in its public health system, a move criticized by many domestic health care professionals.
Improving public health services was one of the key demands made by hundreds of thousands of Brazilians who staged three weeks of nationwide street protests last month.
The quality of a performance does not drive the amount of applause an audience gives, a study suggests.
Instead scientists have found that clapping is contagious, and the length of an ovation is influenced by how other members of the crowd behave.
Brazilian soccer great Pele has called on thousands of protestors demonstrating over poor quality public services and corruption to leave the streets and focus on football, an appeal that was quickly met with derision on social media.
"Let’s forget all this commotion happening in Brazil, all these protests, and let’s remember how the Brazilian squad is our country and our blood," Pele said in a brief broadcast via the O Globo TV network, which was also posted online.
Want to live longer and keep the grim reaper at bay? A new study suggests dropping meat from your diet.
After following more than 70,000 men and women over six years, researchers at Loma Linda University in California concluded that those who followed vegetarian lifestyles had reduced rates of mortality.
Officials at a small school district in upstate New York say an "honest mistake" led to students being identified in the yearbook as "Creepy smile kid" and "Some tall guy."
The labels appear in photo captions of the high school yearbook at Hoosick Valley, a rural district 20 miles northeast of Albany.
The risk of developing autism may be passed on through - and not just to - future generations, researchers say. The international study suggests older fathers are more likely to have grandchildren with autism than their younger counterparts.
Previous studies suggested older fathers may be at greater risk of having children with autism than younger dads.
A fourth grade boy fighting for his life recently discovered the power of friendship.
"I was diagnosed with a brain tumor," Travis Selinka said. "I went to Houston for radiation and I lost all my hair." After the seven weeks of radiation therapy, the bald 10-year-old was embarrassed to return to school.
最迅速學英文的方法是:記句子,不要記單字。因為言語溝通基本的單位是句子而不是單字。 單字只有放在句子裡才有意思。請你每個句子多讀幾遍,讀出聲音,直到順口為止。
1. I'd like to open an account in your bank. Should I take a number first?
1. 不要生意腔:可以用We 就不要用YOU
下面這些字看似簡單,可能是你每天都在用的,但你真的說對了嗎?就算是一個音節、一個子音之差,意義卻可能是天差地遠,甚至是查無此字。現在就讓我們來抓出這些發音的小 Bug:
1. business 商業
你一定很奇怪,這個字那麼簡單怎麼可能會錯。這個字是從busy(忙碌)演化來的,變成名詞之後,i不發音,唸法是[ˋbɪz nɪs],不要讀成[ˋbɪzɪ nɪs]。
2. library 圖書館 / February 二月
這個字的第一個捲舌音常會被忽略,而變成[ˋlaɪˋbɚrɪ]。要特別注意b後方的r不可省略,/bra/的音要發出來,應該唸成[ˋlaɪ͵brɛrɪ ]。February這個字也是一樣,應該是 [ˋfɛbrʊ͵ɛrɪ]而不是[ˋfɛbɚrɪ]。
3. access 進入、入口
這個字的第一個 c 對應的 /k/ 也常被忽略。它應該念成[ˋæksɛs] 而不是 [ˋæsɛs]。注意,重音在第一個音節,同樣的錯誤也經常發生在accept,唸法是[əkˋsɛpt],不是[əˋsɛpt]。
4. economy, economic 經濟/經濟的
這兩個字同源,但不同詞性,重音也不一樣。名詞economy重音在第二音節[ɪˋkɑnəmɪ];形容詞economic或者名詞economics (經濟學)重音在no,唸成[͵ikəˋnɑmɪk]或[͵ikəˋnɑmɪks]。
5. native 天生的
很多人說,希望自己的英文和老外一樣好,speak like a native speaker,native這個字常發錯,聽起來像negative (負面的)。native的唸法是[ˋnetɪv],母音是長音,而且沒有g的音,不是negative [ˋnɛgətɪv]。
6. orient 確定方向、熟悉
這個字常常會被唸成只剩兩個音節:/o-rent/,聽的人會以為你在說一個 last name "Orent"。這個字的正確念法應該是[ˋorɪənt]。
7. vehicle 車輛
8. old-fashioned 退流行的
台灣學生在說old-fashioned這類的複合形容詞時,常會忽略ed的尾音。它應該念成[ˋoldˋfæʃənd]而不是[ˋoldˋfæʃən]。如果你只說old fashion,別人會以為你說的是名詞,最容易聯想到的就是「古老、古典系」的商品。
資料來源 http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/6340367
1. rise / raise
(錯) Household electricity rates will raise from May 15.