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「第一次出國,看到Mango這個字,還以為是個髒話,因為直翻,以為是Man go--男人去的地方。」一個世界公民學生提到她的海外經驗,周遭的老外、老中都笑翻了。

不管是英文到中文,或是中文到英文,逐字翻譯都會鬧笑話。逐字翻譯,常會講出文法沒有錯,但是中文味很重的英語。例如,借廁所用“May I borrow your toilet?”(May I use the bathroom?);全身酸痛就:“I’m painful.”(I ache all over才對)。


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你寫過辭職信嗎?怎麼樣的辭職信會讓老闆又驚又喜?不久前有一封離職信在網路上火紅,號稱全世界最甜美的辭職信,寫在蛋糕上的辭職信,英國的Daily Mail網站上的標題是:Saying goodbye is such sweet sorrow。 原來服務於英國機場的移民官Chris Holmes,太太剛生了小孩,他想開家蛋糕店,可以更有彈性陪伴家人,於是他別出心裁把離職信「寫」在蛋糕上,離職前也趁機為自己的新事業打廣告。 當他親自把蛋糕端給上司,主管又驚又喜。Chris說:「我的離職屬於好聚好散型,希望讓大家嚐到好滋味。」('I thought it was a good natured resignation and hopefully left a nice taste in their mouths.)   我們一起來看這封信他怎麼寫:

To The Management,
Border Force, Stansted:

(給一個不得不所以然的原因) Today is my 31st birthday, and having recently become a father I now realise have precious life is and how important it is to spend my time doing something that makes me, and other people, happy.

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While an economic crisis results in untold misery for countries and their people, a new study of health in Cuba has suggested there could be a silver lining during lean times.


Researchers appear to have implied that people can lose weight during a recession due to a reduction in eating and increasing physical activity.

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A large rainforest plant known as a corpse flower because of its awful smell is blooming again at an Ohio State University greenhouse, and there’s more excitement because another corpse flower there is expected to open soon.


A 6-foot titan arum opened Tuesday to release its rotting-flesh smell two years after it first flowered. A second corpse flower opened briefly at the greenhouse last May, and a third is expected to open in seven to 10 days.

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About a third of women worldwide have been physically or sexually assaulted by a former or current partner, according to the first major review of violence against women.


In a series of papers released by the World Health Organization and others, experts estimated nearly 40 percent of women killed worldwide were slain by an intimate partner and that being assaulted by a partner was the most common kind of violence experienced by women.

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More than half of U.S. workers would prefer a root canal than to work during vacation, but they cave in to bosses’ demands by using mobile technology on their down time, a new Harris poll showed.


Mobile devices let people stay connected with work 24/7, which is both "revolutionary and a curse," said Terrie Campbell, vice president, strategic marketing at the global technology company Ricoh Americas Corp, which commissioned the poll.

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