Representatives at the United Nations may think twice about crossing Ban Ki-moon in future after the secretary-general was awarded an honorary 10th degree black belt in the Korean martial art of taekwondo.


While is unclear whether the 68-year-old Ban can break bricks with his bare hands, World Taekwondo Federation president Choue Chung-won said the awarding of the black belt reflected the common goals and values shared by the UN and federation.

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UK scientists say they were "amazed" to find an example of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation in biology.


The scientists studied the plant Arabidopsis, which is regarded as a model plant for experiments.

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An influential Russian parliament member encouraged NSA leaker Edward Snowden to accept Venezuela’s offer of asylum.


Alexei Pushkov, who heads the international affairs committee in Russia’s parliament, posted a message on Twitter saying: "Venezuela is waiting for an answer from Snowden. This, perhaps, is his last chance to receive political asylum."

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Japan’s army of dark-suited salarymen are scraping by on a monthly allowance from their wives that is less than half what they got in the 1980s bubble years, a survey has shown.


Despite frequently being the sole breadwinner at home, many Japanese husbands hand over their entire pay packet to the woman of the house, who manages the family’s bills and balances the books.

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Like many humans, chimpanzees and bonobos react quite emotionally when they take risks that fail to pay off.


This is according to researchers from Duke University in the US, who designed two decision-making games - one to test patience and the other assessing risk-taking.

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A giant lizard that lived 40 million years ago has been named in honour of rock singer Jim Morrison, palaeontologists said.


Around 1.80m from snout to tail and tipping the scales at up to 27 kilos, the plant-eating reptile is one of the biggest-known lizards ever to have lived on land. It competed with mammals for food in the humid tropical forests of Southeast Asia.

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  救世軍 救世軍 鈴鈴鈴 (譯註:救世軍是一個全球化的宗教性慈善團體,會透過在街上搖鈴吸引民眾的方式募款。漫畫中左邊的人物是世界名著《鐘樓怪人》中的主角加西莫多,他的工作是敲響巴黎聖母院的大鐘。在漫畫中,他把聖母院大鐘搬到街上來敲,所以募集到了更多金錢。)


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  數學網站 三 黃金時段啊,寶貝! 七 覺得幸運嗎? 二 你會讓我成為第一名嗎? 五 尋找愛情 九 對分數不感興趣 八 第一次約會時我不會相乘 四(譯註:prime number 意指「質數」,而三正是質數。表情符號 <3 是平躺的愛心形狀,但若以數學符號來看,則是「小於三」的意思。本漫畫以 來影射國際知名聯誼網站。)


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