工作中衝突難免,這個時候語言可以是催化劑,讓衝突越演越烈;也可以是緩和劑,矛盾迎刃而解。 要緩和劑,有三個主要關鍵字:

1. 回歸專業 Be professional

2. 聚焦在事件上 Focus

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Every morning I go to work. ….

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品牌是文化、行銷、風格和語音學的大集合。BURBERRY、ANNA SUI、agnès b.、HERMÈS、CHANEL、LOUIS VUITTON、GUCCI、VERSACE、Salvatore Ferragamo、GIORGIO ARMANI,這些品牌可能都是你熟悉的,你能唸出它們的正確發音嗎?



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  • I would like to double confirm the schedule for next week.

這句話聽起來沒問題,但其實是錯的!老師指正他說,美國人大概知道double confirm是什麼意思,但是他們不這麼講的。你也許會愣一下,因為很多人都這麼說的。

Double confirm不是英文,這說法據說是新加坡傳來的,講慣了就以訛傳訛,夾雜在我們的中文英文裡。這麼說有何不對嗎?我們先來看double這個字好了。

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Pakistan’s new government, trying to appear determined to rein in escalating crime and militancy, has ended a ban on the death penalty, in a move condemned by international organisations as inhuman and retrograde.


Up to 8,000 people languish on death row in dozens of Pakistan’s notoriously overcrowded and violent jails.

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Eye and face-tracking technology that aims to prevent accidents caused by fatigue is being rolled out by the world’s biggest mining equipment maker.


BHP Billiton and gold producer Newmont Mining have already carried out trials. The firms believe it out-performs earlier systems that needed workers to wear special equipment.

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Mud-slinging is nothing new in politics, but a no-holds-barred election campaign in Australia has sunk standards to depths seldom seen before.


After a week of headlines filled with sexual innuendo and squalid attacks, The Australian Financial Review harrumphed:"We deserve better than this."

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Three Indian navy officers are to be dismissed from service over their Facebook updates which reportedly included details about where their vessels were docked, an official said Thursday.


The Navy has recommended the discharge of the officers for "violating information security" after a high-level internal probe was conducted, a navy spokesman said.

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