Twitter, which was founded in 2006, isn't yet revolutionizing recruiting, but some employers are already using it to great advantage, citing quick, direct contact with candidates and access to broad networks.
The appeal will grow as the platform develops, says Josh Bersin, principal and founder of Bersin by Deloitte, a human resources research firm. "Companies see its potential and they know that over time it'll get more sophisticated." Others remain (A)skeptical.
2006年創立的Twitter雖然還沒徹底革新徵才領域,但已經有雇主利用它快速、直接地聯繫適合人選,也取得廣大人際網絡。人力資源研究公司Bersin by Deloitte創辦人Josh Bersin認為,企業已經看到twitter的潛力,也知道假以時日這個功能會更加完善。但部分人仍持觀望態度。
For one, the rules of recruiting on Twitter are still unclear: Should job seekers only post on professional matters, or are personal updates (1)fair game? Should recruiters respond to Twitter dialogues initiated by candidates?
And how does one write a 140-character résumé—a single (2)tweet summarizing one's experience and unique attributes—anyway?
原因之一是現階段在Twitter上徵才還沒有一定的規則可循,求職者應該在專業欄位張貼,還是自己的動態更新? 招募人員需要回應求職者在Twitter上開啟的談話嗎? 再來,140個字母的推文,要怎麼概述一個人的經歷與特質?
Twitter, which says it has more than 200 million monthly active users, is well aware of the network's use as a recruiting tool.
Earlier this year the company co-hosted a job-search Twitter chat at its San Francisco headquarters, receiving several hundred tweets in response to questions. The public nature of Twitter "allows you to develop a certain(B)rapport with recruiters and companies you otherwise would not have access to," says Twitter spokeswoman Alexandra Valasek. "A tweet is much easier to send than an email or a phone call."
今年稍早Twitter在舊金山總部共同主持的一場求職對談收到好幾百則的推文。「Twitter讓求職者能與徵才者和企業發展一種融洽的關係,這是沒辦法透過其他管道達成的。」Twitter發言人Alexandra Valasek說。「跟email或電話相比,發送一則推文就是容易得多。」
In February, job seeker Dawn Siff, a former radio journalist, used Twitter's new video program, Vine, to create a six-second video résumé. In the spot, Ms. Siff, wielding (C)whimsical props such as a Rubik's Cube, light bulb and a light saber, says she is an "idea machine," as well as a journalist, strategist, manager and "deadline Jedi."
The tweet went viral, leading her to increase her Twitter followers fourfold and earn television coverage.
今年2月份,前廣播電台記者Dawn Siff用Twitter的新程式Vine製做了一段6秒鐘的影片履歷。影片中用各種異想天開的道具包括魔術方塊、電燈泡、黑武士的光劍,展現她是一個「創意機器」,也是記者、策略人員、管理人員和「對抗截止期限的絕地武士」。這則推文快速散播,關注她的Twitter的人數成長了四倍,也讓她獲得電視報導。
Not so lucky was Eric White a former journalist seeking to break into public relations, who tweeted a link to his CV, but with only a few dozen followers, he didn't get much traction. In the end, he opted to start his own PR firm.
前任記者Eric White就沒那麼幸運,想要進入公關界的他在貼文中放了履歷的超連結,但只有幾十個關注者的他吸引不了太多注意。最後他選擇創立自己的公關公司。
After recruiters and job seekers find each other over Twitter, more traditional means of hiring usually take over: Candidates may tweet a link to a résumé or a more complete social-media profile, followed by phone or in-person interviews.
But for making that first connection, Kathryn Minshew, founder and chief executive of career-resource site, for one, is an advocate of the 140-character résumé.
A tweet, she explains, "is the new (3)elevator pitch."
徵才者和求職者在Twitter找到對方後,會回到比較傳統的招募流程,求職者會發一則履歷連結的推文,或是更詳細的社群媒體檔案,接著是電話或當面面試。但就第一步的接觸來說,求職網站TheMuse.com創辦人Kathryn Minshew是140個字母履歷的擁護者。她說,「推文就是新的電梯簡報。」