2014年對高科技產業來說, 有哪些新的展望呢? 閱讀本文讓你一探2014年新科技如何改變人們的生活。進入本文前,請先想想以下詞彙的英文怎麼說:
A. 規則手冊
B. 精明的
C. 挖掘
It's the time of the year for everyone to look across the tech landscape and predict the big trends coming in 2014. In 2013, it was companies like Google who bought eight robotics companies including one called Boston Dynamics that made fascinating, but somewhat terrifying, animal robotics. That said, Forrester Research's JP Gownder has (1) come up with a list of some pretty interesting predictions for 2014. If these hold true, they could become the next mega trends.
新的一年到來, 是時候來讓每個人來展望並預測整個高科技的發展趨勢。2013年,谷歌收購8家機器人技術公司,包括一個名為「波士頓動力」製造酷炫但有些恐怖的動物機器人。而2014年,Forrester研究公司的JP Gownder提出一些非常有趣的預測清單。如果這些預測成真,他們將成為下一個大趨勢。
1. Consumer tech loyalty will die. The old (A) rulebook says if a consumer liked one flavor of a tech company's device or software, the person would not want other flavors. This will pretty much end in 2014.
1. 消費者對高科技忠誠度會死。舊的規則書上說,如果一個消費者喜歡上一家高科技公司的設備或軟體,他不會再想要其他家的產品。這在2014年將終結。
"Loyalty won't be achieved within ecosystems in 2014, though numerous players (Apple, Google, Samsung, Microsoft), will be trying to create stickiness across devices," Gownder writes. In 2014, increasingly tech (B) savvy consumers will simply " (2) trade-off between multiple devices and find ways to thrive across operating systems."
A person holds with an Android phone, a Windows convertible PC/tablet for work, an iPad at home and a Sony PS4. Sure. Why not?
「品牌忠誠度在2014年的生態系統是不會實現的,但無數的玩家(蘋果,谷歌,三星,微軟) 將嘗試跨設備的忠誠度,」 Gownder 寫道。在2014年,越來越多精明的高科技消費者會簡單地「在多個設備之間替換,並設法跨操作系統生存。」
一個人同時擁有一款Android手機,一個工作上可轉換的Windows PC /平板電腦,一台iPad在家和Sony PS4?當然可以。為什麼不呢?
2. Computerized assistants will become a thing. Think Siri but across lots of apps in lots of different ways, not just voice command. “They'll help people shop, manage calendars, and surprise users by (c) mining personal data. They'll start to reshape the way we compute altogether.” he says.
2. 電腦助手將成真。想像Siri 跨越大量的應用程式APPs,以許多不同的方式執行,而不僅限是語音命令。「他們將會幫助人們購物,管理行事曆;並透過挖掘個人數據而帶給使用者驚喜。他們將會開始重塑我們的估算方式。」他說。
3. Gesture computing will hit the enterprise. The Microsoft Kinect controller proved gesture could be popular for games. “Leap Motion” proved it can be embedded into your PC. Expect new commercial apps for business users to start arriving in 2014, in particular the healthcare vertical (manipulating and navigating medical imaging).
3. 手勢操作電腦將進入企業。微軟Kinect的手握控制器被證明以手勢操作是受歡迎的遊戲。 ”大躍進運動” 證明了它可以嵌入到你的電腦。期待為企業用戶所設計新的商業應用程式在2014年將開始到來,特別是垂直式的醫療保健(操縱和導航醫學影像)。
4. Retail stores will start to get personal. "2014 will be the year in which you walk into a store and it 'knows you' and customizes your visit," Gownder predicts. Stores will experiment with tech ranging from things like “Apple's iBeacon”, which can send offers to smartphones as you shop, to potentially creepy facial recognition tech. They are trying to bring the best of online shopping to the real world.
4. 零售商店將開始個人化。「2014年將是- 當你走進一家商店,它 ”知道你“ 並且客製化您的光臨。」 Gownder預測。商店將以高科技測試, 範圍如蘋果的iBeacon,當你購物時可以提供所需,並且發送到智慧手機,或者是發展令人不舒服的面部識別技術。他們正試圖把最好的網路購物經驗帶到現實世界。
There’s often a trade-off between being concise and being complete. 往往在精簡和完整之前權衡。