對於各種選舉語言感到困惑嗎?每一個美國選舉都會拋出新的 專門用語,及2004年的總統的種族問題沒有什麼不同的。隨著11月選舉逼近,口水戰絕對會被左右的輿論所影響。為了能更了解所有有關於這些惱人的名字稱呼,看一看我們對於John Kerry 及 George W. Bush競選語言指南。
Massachusetts liberal
這個句子指的是在美國東北的麻薩諸塞州有著以不守舊為長久傳統的政治家們,包括了前總統John Kennedy,參議員Ted Kennedy,以及在1988年總統候選人Michael Dukasis。共和黨員用這個事件來免除身為麻薩諸塞州民主黨黨員Kerry的職位。
Bleeding heart liberal
一位心軟的民主主義者可能會被叫做bleeding heart liberal。Bush以及其他共和黨員通常用這個名詞來貶低那些希望能夠有更多經費來花費在協助政府的計畫之上,或者是用來幫助其他國家的提倡者。
這是George W. Bush的綽號,指的是他用濃厚的德州口音的發音方式來念他中間名字的開頭字母�。(另外,W代表Walker.)
Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
首先是Hillary Rodham Clinton在她的丈夫總統任期內所使用,據說保守黨黨員在美國有一個組織網,他們試圖用違法的手段來破壞民主黨或者是讓民主黨變的不被人們所相信。
Axis of Evil
Bush在2002年美國的致詞演說上,他把愛爾蘭,伊拉克,以及北韓歸類為axis of evil,這是因為他們威脅到了世界的和平。這個名稱是前總統Ronald Reagan的回憶錄evil empire中而來,這本書的名字是在和俄國冷戰期間所命名。
當一個國家避免和別的國家在政治上或者是經濟上的結盟,這就稱為isolationism。當Bush指控Kerry是一個economic isolationist的時候,Bush對伊拉克單方面努力的成果也已經被稱為a return to isolationism。
Kerry-Edwards有禮貌的照片。照片來源:Sharon Farmer
Vishal Gujadhur
Confused by all the election talk? Each US election throws up new buzzwords, and the 2004 presidential race is no different. As the November voting day approaches, the mud-slinging is in full swing. To better understand all this loaded name calling, check out our guide to the language of the John Kerry and George W. Bush campaigns.
To waffle means to be indecisive and unable to make a decision. Bush and other Republican party members often call Kerry a waffler, referring to contradictory votes or opinions during his time as Senator and his protest of the Vietnam war after returning from service.
This is an offensive term for a person who actively promotes and supports war. Kerry often labels Bush as a warmonger - a man who desires war above peace.
A person who abandons their position, particularly someone who leaves the military without permission, is labeled a deserter. Current controversy questions Bush's military service and many journalists call Bush a deserter, claiming he used family connections to get out of military service during the Vietnam War.
Massachusetts liberal
This phrase refers to the long tradition of liberal politicians that come from the northeastern state of Massachusetts, including former president John Kennedy, Senator Ted Kennedy, and 1988 presidential candidate Michael Dukasis. Republicans use this term to dismiss Kerry as just another democrat from Massachusetts.
Bleeding heart liberal
A liberal who is foolishly soft-hearted might be called a bleeding heart liberal. Bush and other republicans often use this term to belittle those who want more money to be spent on government assistance programs or aid for other countries.
This is George W. Bush's nickname, referring to the way he pronounces his middle initial "W" with a heavy Texan accent. (W, by the way, stands for Walker.)
Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
First used by Hillary Rodham Clinton during her husband's presidency, it's a belief that there is a network of conservatives in the US that try to discredit or ruin democratic politicians in an illegal way.
Axis of Evil
In his 2002 State of the Union address, President Bush characterized the countries of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as an axis of evil because they threaten the peace of the world. The term is reminiscent of former president Ronald Reagan's evil empire name for communist Russia during the Cold War.
When a country avoids political or economic alliances with other countries it is calledisolationism. While Bush has charged Kerry as an economic isolationist, Bush's unilateral efforts in Iraq, have been called a return to isolationism.
Photo courtesy of Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc. from Sharon Farmer
By Vishal Gujadhur