
你還在尋找哪一種英文老師呢?是不是教一些讓你想睡覺的課程?不用想了!如果您想要尋找一位富有熱情並且關注學生,沒有一位老師比Daniel Easson還具有這些優點了。在Englishtown的虛擬教室裡你可以找到他!









Heather Daigle 

What do you look for in an English teacher? Someone who puts you to sleep with boring lessons? No way! If you want a teacher full of passion, enthusiasm and concern for students, look no further than Daniel Easson. You can find him in the Englishtown Virtual Classroom!

Daniel was born in Edinburgh and grew up in boarding school in the UK. He studied economics and politics for his undergraduate degree, and completed his masters in Chinese International Relations and Economics at London University when he was only 21! Plus, of course, he has TEFL certification, so he's definitely qualified in the classroom.

By day, Daniel is a Corporate Liaison for a construction company in Shanghai, China. But, because he has a passion for teaching English, for the last two years, he's spent his evenings in the Englishtown classroom building the confidence of his students from around the world!

"I try to inject energy into the classroom. It is not only me who is tired by 11pm," Daniel says. "Most of the students have worked for 8 hours and put their children to bed before coming to class. I try to keep the environment in the classroom energetic and open."

If you're in class with Daniel, you'll find he's very encouraging. He hopes that you will actively participate ?raising your hand anytime you want to make a comment or even compliment your fellow classmates.

"Many students are under the misapprehension that the only person they can learn from is the teacher," Daniel says. "I try and remind them that most of the time they will be speaking to people whose second language is English, so listening to the other students is also valuable practice."

So why does Daniel like to spend his free time in class? Aside from the satisfaction he gets from helping people learn English, he says it's also broadened his horizons by giving him access to a global network of friends.

"Teaching gives me the chance to discuss the news and current affairs with people from all over the world," he says. "Where, other than an Englishtown classroom, would you get the opportunity to discuss the rising divorce rate or the increasing pressure on school children with people from South East Asia, Asia, Europe and South America?"

Interested in joining Daniel's class? All you need is a computer and headphones! As you talk with him, feel your nervousness slip away and your confidence increase. Not an Englishtown student yet? No problem! Sign up for a free trial today, and you can meet Daniel in class.

By Heather Daigle



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