

Brooke Broekmann喜愛水上運動,旅行以及深愛著位於南非開普敦的家鄉。她非常喜愛教學。身兼一位老師及Englishtown位在南非總部的經理,Brooke花很多時間來幫助數以百計來自全球的學生改善他們的英語。







如果你發現你自己就在Brooke的教室裡,那就準備來一場有趣的學 蓱帠也有可能被邀請到南非喔!

Kristi Lanier 

Brooke Broekmann loves water sports, traveling, and her beloved hometown Cape Town, in South Africa. She also really loves teaching. As an online teacher and manager of Englishtown's South African Center, Brooke spends her days helping hundreds of students worldwide improve their English.

But teaching wasn't part of Brooke's original plan. When she graduated from university, her goal was to be a journalist, and eventually a lawyer like her father.

Not realizing it would change her plan entirely, she obtained her TEFL certificate in 1996. Brooke used teaching as a way to finance her studies. "I initially taught to support myself while studying for my law degree, but grew to love it so much that I can't stop!" she says.

While she's still studying part-time for her law degree, Brooke's long-term goals have changed. "It is so rewarding to be involved with students who are learning a new language and to listen to them improve," she says. "I love my job and would love to continue developing the standards of the center and our teachers while searching for the next challenge!"

If you ask Brooke what makes her love teaching, she'll say it's the students. While her responsibility may be to instruct students in English, she feels she learns just as much from them. "I am constantly fascinated by how much students and teachers learn from each other," she says. "Learning is definitely two-way at Englishtown!"

As a result, Brooke doesn't see herself as only a teacher. She's also a friend. She's made some good friends while teaching and encourages all her students to come to South Africa for a visit. "There are so many memorable students: Islena, Irena, Eunhee, Karin," she says, naming only a few. "In fact, one Chinese student, Elaine, traveled to South Africa earlier this year and decided to stay!" Elaine is now attending one of South Africa's best schools.

Brooke's enthusiasm isn't lost on her students, either. One of her students wrote to her, "It's a pleasure for me to be in Englishtown because I have the best English teacher in the world!"

So if you find yourself in Brooke's class, get ready for fun, learning, and just maybe an invitation to South Africa, too!

By Kristi Lanier


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