

你會在上英文課的時候睡覺嗎?當然不會啦!但是如果課程持續72小時的話呢?你可以匯集所有精力抵抗睡蟲的誘惑呢?聽起來好像是不可能的任務,但是Englishtown的老師David Specchio及26位來自中國的學生們確實於九月九日到九月十一日一起完成了-打破世界紀錄!他們所參與的3天英語課程勝過於波蘭的66小時金氏世界紀錄。這群熱忱踴躍學生花了3天的時間閱讀、寫作、玩遊戲、Spelling Bee及唱英文歌曲。他們甚至還演出他們自己的流行秀!

「我曾想停下來然後去睡覺,但是我相信我可以從練習中獲得一些東西,所以我選擇不離去。我們是一個很好的團隊,我們已一起完成。」一位學生說。學生只能有15分鐘的休息時間可以休息和用餐。有一位醫生在外面確保學生的身體健康狀況,並且提供學生高醣類食物,像是米飯、蔬菜及水果。可口可樂贊助廠商也提供水及飲料幫助學生提振精神。一位32歲的學生Mary Bai說:「這是在我生命當中的一項最疲憊但最值得的經驗。」另一位學生也說:「第一天很困難。之後就越來越容易了。」

鎂光燈及記者們群集在精疲力竭但還保持微笑的學生們前面,他們上完了最後一堂課。當課程接近尾聲,Englishtown行銷總監Paul Santacreu問了在這堂課的頂尖學生最後一個問題:「從上海搭飛機到倫敦需要多少英哩呢?」一位學生答對最為接近的答案將獲得兩週的倫敦遊學。Englishtown總裁Dan Sodervall並且獻花給結業學生恭喜他們。他說:「你們今天的表現說明了如果你們決心做某事,沒有什麼是不可能的。」另外,每一位學生在馬拉松式的課程裡贏得免費六個月Englishtown會員、一年免費暢飲可口可樂及當然還有金氏世界紀錄傑出頭銜。

Heather Daigle 

Englishtown has broken the standing world record of teaching with a 72 hour non-stop English class. 26 students participated in the event, which was supervised by inspectors from Guiness world record.

Would you fall asleep in English class? Of course not! But what if the class lasted for 72 hours straight? Would you be able to muster up enough energy to fight the temptation to sleep?
It may sound impossible, but that's exactly what Englishtown teacher David Specchio and 26 dedicated Chinese students accomplished from September 9-11, 2005 ?breaking a new world record! Their 3-day English class surpasses the standing Guinness world record set in Poland of 66 hours. 
Enthusiastic volunteer students spent three days reading, writing, playing games, holding spelling bees, and singing English songs. They even held their own fashion show!

"I wanted to stop and sleep at times but I believed I could get something from this activity, so I refused to leave. We had a great team and we finished together," one student said. 
Students were only allowed occasional 15-minute breaks, in which they could rest and eat. A doctor remained onsite to ensure the physical well-being of the students, and students were provided with high-carbohydrate foods like rice, vegetables and fruit. Coca-Cola, the sponsor of the event, supplied water and soft drinks to help students stay awake.
One of the students, 32-year-old Mary Bai, said, "It was one of the most exhausting but rewarding experiences of my life. The class really bonded to break this record." Another student added, "The first day was difficult. After that, it got easier and easier."

Cameras and reporters swarmed the exhausted but smiling students as they finished their final lesson. As the class came to an end, Englishtown Marketing Director Paul Santacreu asked the top students in the class a final trivia question: "How many miles is it by air from Shanghai to London?" The student who provided the closest answer won a two-week trip to study in England. 
Englishtown president Dan Sodervall awarded the students with flowers and congratulations. He said, "You showed today that if you put your mind to something, nothing is impossible."
In addition, every student in the marathon class won a six-month membership to Englishtown, a year supply of Cocaola and, of course, the illustrious title of Guinness World Record Breaker.

By Heather Daigle


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