
A website is allowing anyone curious about cosmetic surgery, but too frightened to go under the knife, to see an improved version of themselves at the click of a mouse.


The ’Lift Magic’ website offers a virtual makeover for prospective plastic surgery patients, so they can see how they might look after eye-bag removal, a nose job or a face-lift.


Users load a digital photograph of themselves onto the screen and can try out up to 14 different treatments. Once they have chosen from the menu of alterations, users hit the ’show me’ button to see an image of their surgically-enhanced face. It is then possible to scroll between the natural and retouched version to compare the differences.

使用者把自己的數位照片傳上螢幕,可以嘗試多達14種不同的治療。使用者從選單中選擇好之後,點擊「顯示」按鍵,看看他們經由手術提升後的臉部形象。 接著使用者可以拉動螢幕捲軸,比較自然與改造過版本的不同之處。

The site is run by a Canada-based ’face visualisation’ firm called Modiface.


Andrew Collins, spokesman for Modiface said: "The main benefit of the Lift Magic site is that it allows you to see a retouched version of your photo in literally seconds... It’s easy, fun, and virtually effortless."

Modiface的發言人柯林斯說:「整形魔法網站的主要好處是,它讓你在幾秒鐘內看到修整後的照片…,很簡單、有趣也幾乎不費力氣。 」

The site attracts more than 30,000 people every month, around 85 per cent of whom are women.



makeover:改頭換面、美容。例句:One of the prizes was a makeover at a top beauty salon.(獎品之一是在頂級髮廊改頭換面。)

scroll:將電腦螢幕捲軸下拉。例句:Scroll to the end of the document.(把捲軸拉到文件最下方。)

retouch:潤飾、潤色(畫作、文章等),修(相片)。例句:The photographer retouched her picture.(攝影師修了一下她的照片。)

全通翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english...

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