
尋訪成吉思汗子民(上)Part I/ Modern life poses many challenges for Mongolia Part I

上 一集我們帶您看到了,雖然外蒙古經濟快速成長,但兩成人口依舊生活在貧窮線下、孩子被父母遺棄,以下水道為家,而下集,我們將來看看除了傳統農牧之外,礦 業和資訊業的發展,讓國際熱錢持續湧入,經濟上爆發性的成長,去年經濟成長率已經超過17%,首都街道跟所有現代化大城一樣,為塞車所苦。當生活不再只是 騎馬馳騁在大草原上,現代化的種種的問題,也殘酷的考驗著這些大漠子民。透過鏡頭,帶您前進蒙古國。

In the second of our two-part series on Mongolia, we look at challenges this landlocked country faces as it transitions from a nomadic to a modern society. First we head to a rural area to see the conflict between traditional farm life and compulsory education requirements. After, we return to the capital, where infrastructure lags behind urbanization.

Recently we examined Mongolia’s modernization and some of the urban problems it has encountered. Now we head 280 kilometers away from the capital of Ulaanbaatar to deep in Gobi province, to learn about the education of children in the area. Govin Ireeduii is Gobi province’s first school. Its burden increased last year when Mongolia extended compulsory education from nine to 12 years.

The school then had to educate students from grades 1 to 12.

Four classes are offered a day. Teachers begin with the most basic skill: hand-washing.

These children rarely see video cameras. The young girl openly talks about her aspirations.

This 16-year-old girl has a terrific voice, like many other Mongolians. She uses it to sing a traditional song.

至於這位十四歲小男生不愛念書,而嚮往自由自在的遊牧生活,家裡畜養的數百隻牲口 全都歸他管。
As for this 14-year-old boy, he doesn’t like to study. He yearns for the freedom of nomadic life. His family has hundreds of animals under his care.

Mongolia Schoolchild

”我喜歡照顧動物 ,我享受這種生活” 
I like to take care for animals. This is the type of life I enjoy.

確實在蒙古大學中,女生的就學比例,比男生多了一倍以上 嚴重失衡。
At Mongolia University the proportion of girls is nearly double that of boys, indicating a serious imbalance.

[[台灣世界展望會長 杜明翰]]
Hank Du / World Vision Taiwan

” 因為遊牧民族他們的孩子,他們上小學從一年級開始,也許男女生的比例是一樣的,但是到了中年級 高年級的時候,這些男生就會被要求,照顧他們家裡的牲口,因為主要是他們生計的來源,當地政府他們也看到這個問題 ,所以就透過一些方法,來改善這個狀況 ,對一些中高年級開始 ,長得比較大的男生來講 ,提供一些職業教育” 
They are children of nomads. From first grade in elementary school the ratio of boys to girls is even. But when it comes to high school, many of these boys have to take care of their family’s animals, which is the main source of their livelihood. Local governments also see this problem and are looking for ways to improve the situation. Some are offering vocational education in middle school and high school.

Besides educational imbalances among the sexes, Mongolia faces tremendous challenges providing medical care.

This toddler lacked oxygen at birth, which led to later health problems. Worse yet, she couldn’t get enough nutrition from breast milk, causing debilitating childhood rickets.

About a third of Mongolian children suffer from malnourishment. Fortunately, thanks to the assistance of charities, her mother began to feed her vitamin D to increase her weight and cure her anemia.

自由經濟體制,逐漸在這個北國大漠生根,經濟成長率逐逐年攀升,2011年更達到17.3%,再加上蒙古的礦藏,金 鐵 錫 鎢 煤 螢石,蘊藏量豐富,銅礦 鉬礦的存量,更居亞洲之首,國外熱錢不斷湧入。
A free market capitalist system is beginning to gradually take root in this northern desert region, and economic growth is increasing annually. In 2011 growth was over 17 percent, driven in large part by mineral resources such as gold, iron, tin, tungsten and coal. Mongolia benefits from its mines, which are the best in Asia, but they also attract destabilizing hot foreign money.

[[台灣駐蒙古代表 楊心怡]]

Yang Syin-yi / Taiwan Representatives to Mongolia

”蒙古國現在國家計畫發展的重點來講,它是以資訊業 農牧業 礦產,還有基礎建設這四大項,是他們做為國家發展的一個,重點建設的項目之一,很多世界上的重要經濟組織,都認為他們未來十年之內的成長,大概都會到兩位數字以上”

Mongolia’s focus on national development includes the four major areas of information industry, agriculture, animal husbandry and mineral deposits. The key to this country’s development is infrastructure projects, and many international economic groups believe it can sustain double digit growth over the next 10 years.


文章出處: 民視英語新聞


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