
Cabinet says second-generation health insurance to begin early next year (2012/11/29)




[[立委(國) 蘇清泉]]

[[民間監督健保聯盟 滕西華]]
“沒有辦法相信,行政院會做出這種4.91%"近乎愚蠢"的費率,一旦收不到足夠的保費,4.91%要維持到105年的這個神話,一個是民眾的自費額必須增加,如果只有300萬人(增加保費) ,那勢必不是(課到)有錢人”


The cabinet has announced that second-generation health insurance will begin from Jan. 1. At that time the insurance rate will fall to 4.91 percent, though some people will have to pay an additional premium on certain kinds of supplementary income. 

Second-generation health insurance begins next year. At that time, the insurance rate will fall from 5.17 to 4.91 percent, reducing revenues by nearly NT$21 billion. The government will recoup the shortfall by levying a supplementary premium of 2 percent on income outside of regular salaries. The Department of Health gave an initial estimate of premiums rising for 3 million people. The remaining 85 percent of the population will pay a lower amount.

Su Ching-chuan
KMT Legislator
The premium calculation base should be expanded, so it will include rental income, interest income and dividends. What’s wrong with that?

Eva Teng
NHI Civic Surveillance Alliance
I can’t believe that the cabinet has decided on the 4.91 percent rate. It borders on stupidity. There’s this fairy tale that the 4.91 percent rate will continue until 2015. But if not enough premiums are collected, then the copayments people pay must increase. If (rates are increasing for) only 3 million people, then it’s certainly not the wealthy who are paying more. 

In response, the cabinet said it formed a mechanism to link revenues and expenditures. An NHI committee will track any financial shortfalls then recommend an appropriate insurance rate to the Department of Health. The department can then send a new rate to the cabinet for approval, ensuring that the system’s books stay balanced.

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