
Spending hours sat on your sofa playing console games isn’t just bad for your health--it’s bad for the environment and bad for your bank balance too.


The US Natural Resources Defense Council has undertaken some research into how much electricity is required to power each of the main games consoles.


US games fans are likely to spend $160 per year on their Sony PlayStation 3 alone, just to keep the thing powered up, though the first version of the PS3 is not quite as bad, at $134. The consoles use just as much power when switched but not being played -- something it seems many gamers are guilty of doing.

美國電玩迷一年光是要讓新力PlayStation 3保持開機狀態,很可能就要花費160美元,雖然第一代版本PS3的電費是134美元,沒有這麼糟。該主機只要開機後,不管玩不玩遊戲,耗費的電力都是相同的,而許多玩家似乎都犯了這個毛病。

Microsoft Xbox 360 owners, meanwhile, are likely to fork out $143 if they bought the console when it first came out, while the updated version, launched in 2007, accounts for a slightly more modest $100 per year of the electricity bill.

在此同時,擁有微軟Xbox 360的人如果是在該主機首度問世時就購入,很可能要不情願地掏出143美元,而2007年推出的更新版,則在每年電費帳單中佔了稍微較合理的100美元。

The Nintendo Wii console costs just $15 a year to run in ruinous always-on mode, or $3 a year if its owner switches it off every time it’s not being actively used.


新聞辭典 Dictionary

balance:本文中指「存款餘額」。例句:I must check my bank balance.(我得核對一下我在銀行裡的存款餘額。)

fork out:片語,(不情願地)付;支出。例句:My companion had no money to pay his car fare, so I had to fork out for both of us. (我的同伴沒有錢付車費,所以我要付兩個人的錢。)

account for:片語,佔(比率)。例句: The global information and communications technology(ICT)industry accounts forapproximately 2 percent of global carbon dioxide(CO2)emissions.(全球資訊通訊科技產業佔了全世界二氧化碳排放量約2%。)

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