China seeks to keep western cultural influences at bay (2012/12/10)
[[社會媒體觀察家 溝德孔]]
“其實當局很擔心,革命運動的影響,例如 茉莉花革命、阿拉伯之春等等,擔心這些浪潮流進中國”
[[社會媒體觀察家 溝德孔]]
Worried that its cultural influence lags behind its global might, China is pushing its cultural industries. The country’s rulers are also concerned that infiltration by western culture could be a threat to their own power.
China only allows 20 foreign films into its theaters each year. There are also many restrictions on foreign books entering China. These rules were ordered by President Hu Jintao, who does not want foreign influences affecting Communist Party rule.
Jeremy Goldkorn
China Website Founder
I think there are a lot worries about color movements or Jasmine Revolution, Arab uprising, Arab Spring, that kind of movement coming to China.
In 1966, Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution. He wanted socialism to overtake capitalism. At the time people took to the streets to shout out slogans. It’s a scene rarely seen in today’s China. More than three decades after that revolution ended, a largely invisible battle pitting eastern against western culture has replaced it.
Jeremy Goldkorn
China Website Founder
The fear is that the scent is not holding, that the party’s propaganda is no longer working. And that Chinese people are lost because the Communist Party is not forceful enough, telling them what to do.
A quote from President Hu on the influence of western culture was published in a magazine endorsed by the Communist Party. Hu said, quote, “Global powers plan to use their ideas and culture to make us more western, thereby dividing the country. We must understand this and be cautious of this kind of danger.” Hu’s statement shows the unease Chinese authorities have toward soft encroachment by the west.