Scientists confirm ‘fireball’ over Texas was a meteor (2012/12/10)
“我的同事都在問,你有聽說今天早上的一道閃光嗎? ,我心想...閃光.. ,這很重要嗎?”
“因為它飛行速度很快,穿越了大氣層 才出現亮光”
A recent bright flash in the Texas sky led many to speculate it may be an indicator of the coming Mayan doomsday on December 21. But scientists believe a simpler explanation, saying its nothing but a meteor and there’s nothing to be worried about.
A huge fireball-like object with a long tail was spotted in the sky over Houston, Texas, immediately leading to lots of speculation.
Like a UFO taking a picture of the sky. Like a big flash.
My coworkers were talking about “Did you hear about the flash this morning?” I am like “Flash, should I be concerned?”
From outer space, the fireball looks like a light bulb. Scientists believe the flash is just simply a larger meteor, which passed through the atmosphere at lightning speed. The friction caused burning and left a fireball-like trace in the sky.
Houston Museum of Natural Science
It’s going so fast that it actually gets through the atmosphere that makes the glow.
Since the Mayan doomsday is nearing, many people were unsettled by this unusual phenomenon in the sky.