Labor pension payment age raised to 65 (2012/12/10)
原本規定年滿60歲,可領全額年金,不過107年開始,必須等到61歲才能退休,並且每兩年延後一年,影響所及47-55年次的勞工,如果要提前退休,退休金會被減少最多20%,衝擊約214萬勞工 。
[[勞委會勞工保險處處長 石發基]]
The Department of Labor Insurance is coming under fire for its decision to extend the retirement age to 65. The move has generated widespread complaints from workers.
Protesters packed the Department of Labor Insurance to get updates regarding the labor pension plan. Starting from next year, workers born in 1958 will not be allowed to pick up their pension in advance. The decision has resulted in numerous complaints.
The sudden delay forces us to change our plans. We have no confidence in the government’s ever-changing policies.
The scheme originally stipulated that employees would become eligible to receive full pension at 60. But the payment age was extended to 61 starting from 2018. A further increase of one year shall be enforced every two years thereafter, until the age of eligibility becomes 65. [[CG out]] The change impacts about 2.14 million workers born in 1958 to 1966. If they wish to claim the pension benefits in advance, the amount could be cut by a maximum of 20 percent.
Shih Fa-chi
Director of Labor Insurance
We have clarified again that the change is not a sudden move but was decided when the legislature passed the insurance regulations.
Although the Council of Labor Affairs reiterated the system followed the regulations passed in the legislature in 2009, increasing premiums and extending retirement age have continued sparked anger and panic amongst workers.