
China’s Golden Week a boon for local tourism industry (2012/10/08)



中國的十一黃金週假期, 吸引許多中國遊客來台,光是台北101就賺進1千6百多萬。

[[台北101發言人 劉家豪]]
“跟去年比較的話 我們大概成長有近70%去年來的人大概2萬出頭 今年已經來到了3萬6、7千人”

因為中秋節的關係, 今年的十一黃金週多一天,總共有八天,觀光局統計,這段期間來台灣玩的中國旅行團,總共有三萬三千多人,相繼去年黃金週的一萬九千多人,今年人次成長五成多。


“像相框或是什麼 這些東西我比較喜歡 我不會買太貴的東西 (消費上限)總額的話沒有啦 還好啦 我身上錢夠就行了 反正有帶(信用)卡嘛”


Record numbers of Chinese tourists visited Taiwan during their national day holidays last week. Their provided a big boost to the local tourism industry. 

Taiwan proved to be a hot destination for Chinese travelers during their National Day vacation. Ticket revenues at Taipei 101 surpassed NT$16 million.

Michael Liu
Taipei 101 Spokesman
We saw year-on-year growth of close to 70 percent. Last year just over 20,000 people came, but this year there were 36,000 or 37,000. 

China’s National Day coincided with Mid-Autumn Festival, so the vacation period was extended by one day to a total of eight.

The Tourism Bureau estimates that more than 33,000 Chinese tourists came as part of a tour group, up more than 50 percent from the 19,000 who came last year.

According to the bureau the favorite place for Chinese tourists to spend money is jewelry shops, where they buy jade and other precious stones. The next most popular items are designer goods and food souvenirs. The bureau estimates they spend an average of NT$8,000 a day shopping.

Chinese Tourist
I like things like photo frames best and don’t buy anything that’s too expensive. I don’t have a maximum amount that I spend, but usually the money I have on me is enough. If not, I have my credit card.

China’s National Day holiday period is known as its “Golden Week,” and it’s the same for local tourist spots that Chinese frequent. Chinese visitors tend to spend most their money on retail goods, with their hotel budget reaching an average of just 14 percent of their shopping budget.

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